Chapter 1: Thus it begins

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As teenagers being accepted is such an important part of our development. Most importantly being accepted by members of the opposite sex takes up most of our time .
As  a guy have you ever thought , why are girls so heartless, of-course you have , I'm sure it's a rhetorical question.
What is love ? I remember it like it was yesterday, she looked at me, smiled with me, even gave me her number. That was love for me  at 14.
" Umm I like you" I said "do you want to be my girlfriend." She paused and looked at me comedically before bursting out into laughter.
Maybe I should have said I love you , I thought to myself
"Hahahaaaaaa" she held her tummy laughing.
"You and me! Are you mad Jimmy? " she walked off leaving my heart on the floor.

Such is the shit of life and of love, I had sworn from that day I would never fall into their traps again. Girls are evil beings who only live for themselves. This we all know to be true.

"James Edward Fuller!!! You get your butt out of bed, or your gonna be late for school again."  My mom screamed.
High school has always been a drag.

"It the best years of your life" they said

"Enjoy your youth" they said

All lies, they should have just told us the truth, that we would waltz around the school compound like hormonal wrecks.

Especially for a loner like me , my best friends being my pencil and the fat kid named Billy.

"Jimmy come to my office after class I'd like to speak with you," Said Miss Yan with a sly smile on her face.

Crap! I thought to myself what could that old lady with no husband want with me.

"OK" I lazily replied , the dullness in my eyes was even more evident.

Physically I was in class but mentally I was at wonderland. For me wonderland was this kool uptown game store with all the latest gears and gadgets. Oh my that's where I want to be for the rest of my life. In fact I was thinking that after high school I could get a job there.  My eyes lit up with excitement.

"Jimmy are you ok" Jana said .
"Miss something is wrong with Jimmy  he is smiling".  She muttered
Pretending to be concerned, She instantly spoiled my happy moment. It would be the only smile I had all day.

"Miss Yan I'm here now," I said with my usual dull face.
"Jimmy your always so serious," she said smiling at me.
Who are you smiling at old hag,  I thought to myself , smiling at my internal comedy. She thought I was smiling with her this was too funny.

"I have a proposition for you," she said

Haha a proposition she said , I knew it sooner or later someone would realize my talents  and come begging for my assistance.
My face was swollen with excitement but I held my composure. And with my usual emotionless self I looked her in the eyes slowly, moving my lips, there was tension between us I felt it.
"Wad up?" I murmured after 15 seconds of slow movement.

" I'd like you to become the student council president Chief Assistant."
My face suddenly shrunk back to dullness.
Student council !!!
She had to be joking , I hated that girl ,she talked way too much.

"No" I said calmly

"Oh oooh " Miss Yusho said
Then she smirked her eyes closed and her forehead knitted.

"You know you are failing 3 classes one more and you'll be out. Im the only class your not failing but I guess since you don't want to do this for me , I'll have no choice but to fail you ." She said her Asian eyes closed but she was still smiling at me at me .

"You know what I'm saying Partner !" Her left eye opened and winked at me.

There it was the true example of how evil women can be, maybe this is why she was still unmarried after all these years.

"Haha I laughed out , I guess I have no choice then." I walked out slowly and annoyed. This was not what I wanted.

The next day had come it was time for me to meet the student council president. As if seeing these evil girls wasn't good enough I had to help one of them.

I dragged myself to the meeting room. Expecting a room full of people I opened the door to fine only her sitting , reading a book.

"Hey" I said, "

"Hi" she said , "your the one Miss Yan  sent, I'm your boss Haley." She said without even looking at me.

I saw the same look in her eyes, she was the same as me, a loner .
"Umm" I said 
" Don't even think of it, its a no, I can never be friends with a lazy Scum like you" she said softly and calmly.
I paused looking at her in disdain

"Your shoes are untied," I said Marching to my seat.
She was silent for a bit.
"Boys come on to me all the time" she said, Running her scrawny hands through her hair.
I'm sure there wasn't any guy coming on to those skinny arms, I laughed once more to myself.

Well what can I say  guys, I knew all girls are evil, even the lonely ones. But this was the beginning of the end.

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