confession - senku ishigami

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Knock knock.

Byakuya Ishigami perked up from the awkward angle he was hunched over his laptop in, turning his attention away from the endless amount of emails from students and colleagues alike and toward the sound coming from the end of the hall. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he turned away from the hall and toward the clock on the kitchen wall in front of him. It wasn't too late...

"Was I expecting someone?"

Rapid muffled foot stomps thudded down the hall and toward the front door where the knocking was coming from. "It's for me!"

The owner of the second voice made a sharp u-turn as he propelled himself toward the front door. He straightened his posture and adjusted the sleek white lab coat he wore before opening the door. On the other side stood a cheery kid around his age holding the handle of a yellow toolbox with both hands, and who's small smile widened upon meeting face to face with their friend.

"Hiya, Senku! I hope I'm not too late!"

The latter, Senku, chuckled and stepped to the side to allow you to enter the apartment.

"Heh heh're right on time."

"Hi, Y/N!"

"Hello, Mr. Ishigami, sir!"

"Senku! You didn't tell me you were inviting someone over! I could've made food!"

"You would've burned the house down."

You laughed beside Senku, the two of you now standing side by side in front of the boy's father for you to properly greet him.

"We've got work to do, Y/N! C'mon!"

Senku hurried toward his room and you went to follow, turning around with an apologetic look on your face. "Sorry for the unexpected drop-in. Nice to see you again, Mr. Ishigami!"

"Wait! You two didn't let me know if you want food or not!"

The teacher received no reply from either his eccentric son or his cheerful friend, and he sat down after rising halfway up his chair with a small smile on his face, mumbling "kids..." before resuming the work on his laptop.

"I got all the stuff you asked for!" You held your toolbox up with one hand, its contents cluttering loudly. Senku's room was filled with all sorts of gadgets for the project you two had been working on. On his desk, a variety of different tech parts were scattered, and his laptop revealed multiple tabs of code and other analytics.






"And brushes! I got some sprays, too."

Senku smirked and chuckled yet again as he took the box from you and rummaged through the supplies. "Good job! Now we can finally finish the robot!" He laid out a thin, dull purple blanket on his floor and moved his computer parts from the desk to the floor. "What are we waiting for? Let's get started!"

Ever since the two of you were kids, you and Senku bonded over your mutual love of science. Senku was an extravagant kid who never failed to leave a lasting impression with his projects and experiments. Not only that, but his resolve and excitement only made him more attractive to you. For Senku, such a bright and intelligent person was exactly someone he'd get along well with. Your creativity and drive for passion had him drawn to you, especially since you both promised each other excitement and indulgence.

You visiting Senku was not uncommon, but despite how much you frequent his house to work on his experiments, the giddiness he feels when he hears the doorbell signaling your arrival has never gone away.

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