visiting a science museum - senku ishigami

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One of Senku's favorite places in the world were science museums.

He'd been visiting them since he was a kid with his father, something that became tradition over the years, with every visit further encouraging his love of and fascination with science. It was like stepping into a playground. His excitement and enthusiasm were boundless, and he always ended the visit with more questions and ideas mapped out in his head that inspired the following day's experiments to follow up on them. The museums became a sort of sanctuary for him, as he was surrounded by nothing but the thing that he holds the most love for, getting lost in the dizzying amount of information and endless exhibitions.

He carried on the tradition with you, not being able to think of a more suitable way to show you his affection; taking you, one of his favorite people, to one of his favorite places in the world.

He's taking you to his favorite museum today, one that he's been to so many times that he knows everything it has to offer, from the events to the exhibitions. One of his favorite events is being hosted on top of everything else the museum has to offer, an annual tradition,, and so the time and date and location were all very purposeful.

He lets you be the one to drag him around. He doesn't need a map, he knows the place like the back of his hand, but you still grab one to make sure no stone is left unturned, no corner unvisited.

You first drag him through hallways filled with artifacts, from pottery to metal objects, encased behind glass panes and gleaming under bright white lights. The walls behind them convey lengthy paragraphs on each, with a picture or two to follow up or help visualize the setting from which the artifacts originated from. You and Senku leaned in close and whispered back and forth about each as you moved along the rows, bumping into each other's side as you nudged at Senku to answer a question of yours, and him turning toward you to give you the clarification you sought. After your questions were all answered however, you managed to lose each other quite often as you browsed through the rooms and swerved through tall displays littered throughout, each of you getting caught up in your own curiosities, which led the two of you having to retrace your steps and dart your heads around to try to spot one another through the displays and crowds of people.

He usually leans in to give you additional information without you asking for it about the information on tablets, bringing up common science myths. He tells you that Mount Everest technically isn't the tallest mountain in the world and that the sun isn't really yellow. They're all pretty common misconceptions, which he's quick to correct if the subject the two of you are reading about is related to it. He tells you that the tissue covering your veins makes your blood look blue, but it's always red, and that lighting certainly can strike a spot more than once, especially tall buildings.

The space exhibit is his favorite. You know because he tells you, but you don't need Senku's extensive knowledge to come to that conclusion on your own with the way he's so immersed in the videos, in the stars and planets floating around in the planetarium. It's the one room where he's mostly quiet, simply taking in the information, even if it's already ingrained in his very DNA from how many times he's seen the shows. He seemingly never grew tired of it, you observed with a smile as you watched him stare in wonder and awe at the projections, as if it was his first time sitting in that theater filled with constellations and planets, with that familiar narrator telling him facts he already knew. He's a lot more eager to talk as you walk through the rest of the exhibit, telling you even more additional facts under his breath. But you still find he has moments of silence, possibly reflection, when he stares at space suits displayed behind glass and holograms of the astronauts who once donned them.

He attempts to fight back a teasing smile when the two of you find yourselves in a scientist exhibition, with wax figures of the greatest minds in history posing next to plaques with information or TV's running related informational programs. He snickers at the particularly horrid ones, elbowing you gently and turning his chin up toward Albert Einstein and Madame Curie looking onward with serious expressions, which send the both of you into bouts of giggles, leaning into each other to try and contain your immature outbursts and comments, whispering them loudly to each other. You start to draw attention from nearby visitors when Senku poses beside them, not being able to contain your laughter from how silly he looks.

Senku always loved the play spaces as a younger kid, but now he was older, and though he hadn't outgrown his love for the activities, he unfortunately had outgrown the age limit set for who could participate in them. But he recalls fondly the memories he made in those places when the two of you pass them by, telling you about the messes he made and how he got a bunch of kids hyped up to help him. He's still welcome at a couple of hands-on stations, however, and he's just as enthusiastic as the younger children surrounding him, but he seems very knowledgeable in these little people's eyes, and they watch him curiously as he tinkers with the materials in front of him. He spots their gazes and smiles slightly, and performs the experiment with a dozen pairs of eyes on him from every angle. Oou's and ahh's and other impressed exclamations go around as you watch Senku help the kids perform the experiments themselves, patiently walking them through each step and answering all their questions as they eagerly crowd around him, mimicking his smile from further away.

Most of the time Senku isn't posing for the camera, but you still manage to capture some nice photos with him in it. You step back to take a photo as he admires the sea creatures in the aquarium tunnel, a small smile on his face as his head is tilted upward and making direct eye contact with a turtle swimming above. You manage another one which he catches on to, with Senku looking over his shoulder mid explanation about something at the camera, as airplanes of different sizes decorated the background. He tells you to cut it out when he catches you, but he's also a bit of a hypocrite, because when you ask him to hold your camera while you go explore something for yourself, he's bringing it to his face and focusing the lenses on your awed expression.

He's taken aback when you kiss his cheek suddenly as you file out of the museum into the night along with the remaining visitors, and he chuckles to himself when you tell him about the wonderful day you had and that you can't wait for your next trip. Senku makes a mental note to research the events they have going on at his second favorite location for future reference.

Little would he know that over 3700 years later, his own exhibit would be open to the public, recollecting his life and achievements as the leading driving force behind humanity's revival through his love of science that was fostered in similar museums.

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