Chapter 4

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A hand gripped my neck from the back. My heart skipped a bit. What's up with the back stuff? Yeah, my scarf isn't on my neck anymore. I didn't know what pushed me to the toilet the other time when I felt a hand pulled my hair. I think that's how you feel when you are creeped out. I didn't really do anything in the toilet except washing my hands and splashing some water on my face.

I stood in front of the mirror the second time today to see another shocking thing again. At that moment, my scarf wasn't on my neck anymore. I purposely left my neck open because there wasn't any other body in the toilet. Normally, there's always someone putting on a lipstick or adjusting her skirt but now, it completely empty. I carefully ran my finger around my neck just to be sure of what I was seeing. The scar I saw earlier isn't on my neck anymore. 
Anyways, I didn't know what to call it and I slipped out of the toilet afterwards.

I was walking slowly to the cafeteria not minding that the queue will be long when the hand gripped my neck. My heartbeat immediately went back to normal when I felt the coolness of the hand because I know who it was.
" Hey weirdo", she shouted in her over cheerful voice.
"Hi." I replied quietly.
" What's wrong with you? You don't look so good."
" I'm fine." I replied with a smile.
" No, you aren't. Your smile isn't also fine."
" Whatevs."
She rolled her eyes extraordinarily and we both laughed.

Diana and I have been friends for a long time. Since freshman year to be precise. She's witty, garrulous which makes her more adorable to me. Her physical appearance makes boys go crazy about her. Heart shaped face, bright hazel eyes, deep brown hair. When I say deep, very deep, I mean almost black. Who would resist that? But she's an inch taller than me.

"So what are you doing tonight?" She asked with a mouth full of pizza. I know that she is about to ask me to accompany her to a party. "Jake's parents are not around, so he gonna throw a party." I knew it! "And don't tell me that you are gonna be busy." She said with her mouth slightly pouted. I wasn't about to say that I am going to be busy but just tell her that I'll think about. I don't believe that I was going to say that but I'll say it anyway. I have never attended  crazy night parties ever since we've been in senior class but I suddenly want to try and that made me want to laugh but her voice snapped me out of my reverie.
"Are you going? Or I should accept another heartbreak from you?"
"Actually, I am going." I finally said.
"What?!" She shouted. Her voice went higher than normal and all eyes immediately turned to our table.
Then she lowered her voice. "Treasure is that you?" She asked rhetorically. "Going to a party with me?" She suddenly kept quiet and nibbled on the last piece of pizza.
I could tell in her expression that she was praying that I wouldn't change my mind.


" Man! I'm tired." She said as she flopped into my bed. She has followed me home to help me to choose an outfit for the party. She had said that she doesn't want me to show up like someone heading to an evening class.

I also collapsed on the bed with her. I laid there wondering if I had really made that decision by myself. I have never thought of attending a night party. We lay there for about five minutes and I almost thought that she has fallen asleep until she sat up abruptly and said," Let's not forget what I came here to do."

She scanned my closet for a long time and figured out that there wasn't any clothes I could wear to a teenage party.
" Can't I just wear anything I feel like wearing?" I asked while rolling my eyes.
" No, this is a party that everyone from school will be." She said with an emphasis in her voice. I just sat on the bed staring at one of my sketch of zombies on the wall next to the wall next to the closet. I was already getting bored.

" You know what?!" Her voice pierced the silence in the room. " I will bring one of my skirts along with me when I come to pick you up later. You get it?" I know that there's no need answering that question. She was already staring thoughtfully at the air. Thinking of the skirt she's going to take ( I guess).

She picked up her bag from where it was lying near the foot of the bed and sling it over one shoulder. " I have to get going. I am feeling sleepy and I have some things to do at home." She pecked me on both cheeks and walked out of the door. I followed her downstairs and watched her get into her car until she drove off. I was feeling nervous about the party already.

I sometimes wonder how she can have someone like me as her best friend. We are so different and I think that's what makes our friendship unique. I am an introvert while she's an extrovert. She is talkative while I am tongue-tied around people that I am not used to. She's hot while I am just..... fine. She's a fashionist while I am a type who opts for comfortable wears. She's flashy while I am just cool or dull. Mum loves her because of all her features and I feel that she wishes that I am like Diana. I walked back to my room slowly. When I entered, the scent of her perfume still lingered in the air. It smells like vanilla and I drew it in like absorbing power from the Sun to carry out photosynthesis just like a plant.

Just then, I heard a sound from the corner of the room, not far from the closet. Like a nail scraping the wall, at first I ignored but it became so intense that I had to look at what was happening. By then it has stopped, but I didn't fail to notice the new change. Above the sketch I was staring at not long ago, there is a scrawl that I was sure wasn't there before but it looked tiny from where I stood. So I moved closer. It said: Be prepared for you are joining us soon.

It faded away as soon as I was done reading it. Suddenly, my heart picked up speed like I have been running all day just like I was feeling this morning. I turned away from the wall immediately. I headed to my bookshelf on the other side of the room near the bathroom door and picked a random book. Determined not to return to the room until Diana came back, I took my phone and my earpod and dashed out of the room and out of the house to the backyard.

Em starting to love my Character🙂. Anyways, thank you all for reading and voting. It really encourages me to do more. Next chapter will be out sooner or later. THANK YOU 😊.

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