Chapter 5

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Outside, I stood and stared out at the garden that lay out in front of me. Mum has spent years taking care of the garden to maintain its perfect beauty. The flowers are all of the same kind but different colours. Hibiscus. The red ones are on the first column followed by the orange, next is the yellow and last is the pink. Mum planted the purple ones just last month, so they aren't tall enough to be seen. She said that she is looking out for the white ones too since they are rare.

I stared at the landscape for a long time, if you walk a bit farther, away from the flowers, you'll find a willow tree right in front of a lake and after that is nothing except bushes of different trees and plants.

I sat not thinking of what I have just seen. Instead, I was thinking of how long or short the skirt Diana is going to bring will be. Every skirt Diana has is short, always above her knee. Although, I know that it'll be longer for me but still going to be above my knee.

I let myself imagine how the party is going to be. Everyone shouting while dancing, some set of guys playing card games in a corner, a deserted spot because someone has vomited there and so so so.....

I finally looked down at the book in my hand. I have read it a million times. It is about a girl's soul that was trapped in an ancient underground basement unknown to no one except the witches who lived in old time and those who had captured her and had separated her body from her soul and had thrown her in there. She actually knew the way out but everytime she tries to escape, there's always a barrier stopping her from getting into the real world.

Anytime I read this story, I have unexplainable mixed emotions.

I struggled to read the first page but I couldn't concentrate. My mind has finally found a way to drift back to the scripture I saw on the wall earlier. The words echoed in my head. Be prepared for you are joining us soon. I shook my head to get rid of the voice pronouncing them in my head.

I really hope that it wouldn't get worse than this. The nightmares, the scar, the voice in the bathroom and the words on the wall. I really hope so. I sighed and stared at the colourful view in front of me. The flowers leaned against one another as if exchanging petals. It's so beautiful how flowers bloom.

I reached for my phone and my earpod. I turned on my phone and played one of my favourites. Bored by Billie Eilish. My eyes felt itchy and I yawned continuously but I was too scared to sleep. Instead, I rested my back on the grass and stared up at the sky.

Anytime I stare at the gentle blue sky, my worries seem to melt like butter on a hot pan and now isn't an exception. I remember telling Diana to lay with me on this same spot and we should both stare at the sky. At first, she didn't react but not up to sixty seconds, she jumped and shouted that the sky was too bright for her to stare at. All I did was laugh at her dramatic expression. I smiled as I remembered that day.

My eyelids are starting to get heavy and Billie's voice is fading as they get heavier.
Giving you what you're begging for.......... Getting far away. And bam! I am asleep.


The girl in white beckoned for me to come. Her glowing blonde hair lit up the dark tunnel and I followed her as she led the way to an unknown destination. As I followed, I noticed the markings on the wall which glowed as if reacting to the light her hair gave out. We turned repeatedly and I tried to count how many times we've turned but I soon lost count and I followed like an obedient slave. We finally reached a big brown door and the girl entered without looking back at me. Before I could reach there, the door had closed. As the door slammed shut, I identified similar markings of that of the walls on the door too. Only that these ones come together to form a sentence.
Be prepared for you are joining us soon. I was so close to the door that when it opened again, it hit my forehead so hard.


I felt something hit my forehead. I opened my eyes a little and closed it back thinking that I was still in the dream. I opened my eyes again to see bright green eyes staring down at me. His mouth was in an 'O' shape. For a moment, I wondered why I couldn't hear him but I figured that it was because of the ear pods in my ears. This Feeling by Chainsmokers was playing.

They tell me think with my head not that thing in my chest........

I slowly sat upright, paused the music, pluck the ear pods from my ears. At last I put them in their case. I bent my head and rubbed my eyes with my palm just like I do every morning.
" Sorry for hitting you with my wristwatch",
Dax said. I wiped my head up to look at him. I have almost forgotten that he is there. It was then that I felt the throbbing on my forehead. I wasn't sure if it was because of the way I hit my head against the door in the dream that made my head hurt so much
or the wristwatch that fell on my head. I watched as his lanky frame bent and picked the leather wristwatch from the floor.

The sun is setting. The sky has a tinge of pink mixed with the deep blue of the evening sky.
" There's something bothering me and I think I don't have anyone to talk with except you." His deep voice distracted me from my studying of the sky.
I opened my mouth to say something but Diana's call of my name stopped me. "Treasure!" We both turned to look.

😔 Headache is dealing with me seriously. Why am I saying that? I am on stage. * Clears throat and puts on professional voice*

😁Hey guys, what do you think about this chapter?

What do you think Dax was gonna say?

As usual, thank you for reading and voting. I love you all😍.

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