Chapter 8 - I Don't Need Protection

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Zayn’s P.O.V.

            As soon as Niall left, the lecture began. It wasn’t that bad, my parents were just a bit disappointed in me.

            “Why did you skip school?”

            “Zayn, if this boy is making you skip classes, I’m afraid I don’t support that relationship.”

            “Just because he is polite and adorable doesn’t mean he can’t be a bad influence.”

            “Next time you have him over, you need to give us some sort of warning. Oh, and also, sleeping in bed with him? I’m not sure if I like that,”

            “I’m sorry,” I mumbled, “Okay? The only reason I skipped was because Niall…” I trialed off, unsure if I should tell them the truth or not. Since I didn’t even know the full story myself, I decided that for the time being, lying would be the best way to go. “He wasn’t feeling well. And I offered to take him home, but he fell asleep, so I had nowhere else to take him but here,”

            Actually, part of that was true.          

            “Alright Zayn,” My dad nodded, “Thanks for being honest,”

            I nodded back and then headed upstairs, falling asleep thinking of my angel.


            When I woke up, it was already past lunch time. What can I say? I like to sleep. I got up and stretched out, grabbing my phone from my bedside table. Louis had called me seven times, Harry had called me four, Liam had called once and left a voicemail. Typical. I called my voicemail and listened.

            “Hey Zayn,” Liam sang happily, “Harry, Louis, and I are all over at the park playing football. Feel free to join us, even though you are probably either sleeping or busy with Niall. Also, Louis wants me to tell you…”

            “BE AT MY HOUSE BY SIX!”

            “Yeah,” Liam chuckled, “What Louis just said. Be at his house by six. Sorry if he hurt your ears. Anyway, I’ll see you later, mate.”

            The voicemail ended, and I deleted it, hopping up and heading straight for the shower. If I was going to be spending time with Niall today, I wanted to make sure I looked presentable.

            The rest of the day past in a flurry of my sisters bothering me and debating if I should call Niall or not to remind him of our plans. When it was almost five I picked up my phone, finally getting up the nerves to call him.

            “Hello?” Niall answered on the second ring. His voice was small and quiet, and I had to remove myself from the current room I was in—my sisters were yelling—and into a quieter place so I could hear him better.

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