Chapter 15 - My Angel Loves Me

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Niall’s P.O.V.

            “Angel,” A low rough, yet familiar voice said from behind me, “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily,”

            I turned around, staring into Zayn’s dark, yet absolutely intriguing eyes and I felt a tremble of happiness and relief and warmth run through me. Before I knew it, I was launching myself at Zayn, completely forgetting the fact that he was hurt. When I landed on him, he winced a bit, but he didn’t push me away. He wrapped his arms around me and began planting burning kisses all over me. My face, my neck, my hands, everywhere.

            “Zaynie,” I began to cry, my fingers wrapping in his hospital gown.

            “Angel,” He replied, his lips brushing my neck and eliciting a moan from my mouth. I don’t care how wrong it was that he was still in the hospital and we were doing this. Or that I shouldn’t be letting him make me moan like this. All I cared was that I had him back and he was sending absolute shocks and shudders all over my body.

            “Oh,” I gasped as his lips parted and he bit a small mark on my collar bone, “Zaynie,”

            “I’m sorry I was gone for so long, Angel,” Zayn said, pulling back and nuzzling his nose against mine.

            “It’s okay,” I whispered, “You’re okay,”

            “I’ve never felt better,” He said—for some reason, I didn’t believe it. He was still paler than usual and there were bags under his eyes.

            At that moment, Zayn’s family walked into the room, and I blushed like crazy. Hell, I was still straddling Zayn’s barely clothed body, and his entire family was suddenly staring at me. I immediately tried to remove myself from Zayn, but he wouldn’t let me. His hands grasped my hips tighter and pulled my body forward so that I was lying up against him, our chests rubbing and sliding past one another as we breathed. I was still really self conscious—his parents and sisters were watching—but Zayn didn’t seem to care.

            “Oh, baby you’re awake,” Mrs. Malik said, walking over to us and sweeping her hand against Zayn’s forehead, “How are feeling, honey?”

            “Fine, mum,” Zayn mumbled.

            “I’m glad you’re alright, son,” Mr. Malik said.

            Then Zayn’s sister’s were whispering and giggling—I think it was at the position I was in. I could still feel the blush spreading across my face and down my neck.

            His family settled in, just spending time with Zayn, and waiting for a doctor, who did eventually come, and disconnect Zayn from the machine—they made me move. I sat awkwardly in the corner while they checked all of his vitals.

            The rest of the day was full of a changing cast. His family was in and out, so were Liam, Louis, and Harry, but all in all, Zayn and I remained together. We were the main characters, the staring rolls while everyone else moved around us. It felt right. My mum came in, but as soon as she saw me sitting in the seat right beside Zayn, she smiled and left. Apparently, whatever I had waiting for me later could be pushed aside. Right now, Zayn was all that was important to me, and my mum knew that.

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