Chapter XV

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Third POV

Sleepless nights



Skylar cried herself to sleep but it only lasted an hour due to an immense headache thanks to her crying. Red streaked eyes, red and tear stained cheeks. She sat up all night thinking about her decision.

One half of her told her it was a stupid decision and to just call Jack to make it all better, while the other half told her it was for the best.

Jack sobbed whether than cried as soon as he slammed his bedroom door close without any explanation to Jack Johnson and Sammy Wilk. They were confused but decided to leave it be, knowing he'd talk about it eventually.

He couldn't help but feel like all of this could've been prevented.

Maybe if I didn't fuck up so much,

Maybe if I treated her better,

Maybe if I should her I loved her more often.

Jack laid on his back, one hand resting on his bare stomach while the pit of his other arm was placed over his sore, red eyes.

He hadn't felt this heartbroken in a long time. It hurt; not physically but emotionally and mentally. All he wanted to do was find her and talk to her.

He'd grab his phone every few hours, hovering over her name with a heart eyes emoji and a blue heart. With his jaw clenched tightly, he'd lock his phone and returned back to his position.

He missed her and she missed him just as much. But the only difference was that Skylar was better at ignoring her problems and forcing herself to try and move on,


Regarding this situation, it was the hardest thing she's ever had to do.

* * * *

"Sky, come on. It's time to leave." Alexis placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder.

Skylar blinked hard to take herself out of the trance she was in and looked over her shoulder at her concerned friend, "Oh right," she stood up, "let's go." She sighed.

Alexis's face softened in sympathy, rubbing Skylar's back in comfort. Skylar was regretting her decision more and more everyday as her decision became harder and harder to deal with.

They exited the hotel room, stepped onto the elevator and quietly went down to the lobby floor and returned the hotel key.

Skylar's facial expression never changed and Alexis found it impalpable to figure out. As they walked out the hotel with their suitcases in hand, they hopped into the taxi and made their way to the airport.


Jack knew today was the day Skylar was leaving and it pained him to know they were ending on such horrible terms.

"Just go man, maybe seeing her before she leaves will be good." Jack Johnson encourages.

Jack let out an exasperated sigh, "What if it makes it worse?" He questioned.

Johnson shrugged as he gave Jack a pat on the shoulder as he stood up, "You'll never know if you don't try."

Jack gripped the roots of his hair while leaning his head back, "fuck." He whispered.

Jack licked his lips then stood up, grabbing his car keys and a jacket. He was leaving on a piece of hope and faith. He didn't know if they'd rekindle what they had or if it would be the same or unfortunately, possibly worst.

* * * *

"Departure for flight 301 to Nebraska is now boarding."

Skylar looked around at her surroundings, hoping to see a familiar face but saw nothing. She let out a deep sigh and shook her head, holding back upcoming tears.

This was killing her, not being able to call Jack and tell him she loves him and that she'll see him soon. The break up was even worst since they live in two completely different states.

There was no hope of running into each other and possibly rekindling things, just constant memories.

While Skylar was fighting back tears, Jack raced through the airport trying to save what was lost or at least see her one more time.

He had fought with the security until he found a way to sneak in. Once he did, he raced to the gate he had figured out thanks to a friendly bystander also leaving for Nebraska.

His heart was racing and something in the back of his mind was telling him this was a waste of time while his heart told him not to give up.

Skylar felt stupid, hurt and stressed. She loved Jack, there's no doubt about that, but she hated how things were lately. She was sick of arguing, worrying and being upset. But she loved the comfort and affection Jack gave her.

She was feeling so many emotions and her chest tightened, all Skylar wanted to do was scream. But she kept her composure as she moved up a little in line.

Jack finally reached her gate, out of breath and holding onto hope. His eyes searched the long line of people waiting to board the plane. Her long wavy hair and curvy hips stuck out instantly, he knew his girl anywhere.

"Skylar!" He shouted absentmindedly as soon as he saw her.

Skylar furrowed her eyebrows and spun around, her eyes widening and heart dropping as soon as she seen him, "Jack?" She whispered.

Skylar looked back at Alexis who had a shocked expression with a slight smile. Skylar looked back over to Jack and began walking over to him, slowly and unsure.

"Skylar," he breathed as he jogged over to her, "I'm sorry I-I just had to see you one last time." He apologized quietly, examining her tired face.

"How did you get pass security?" Skylar asked, furrowing her eyebrows even more.

Jack chuckled lightly as he scratched the back of his neck and took a quick look behind him, "I kind of snuck pass."

Skylar rose her eyebrows but let out a breathy chuckle, "Of course you did."

"Look, I know we're not together anymore," he started, both of their hearts hurting when those words were said, "but I respect your decision and I just want you to be happy. Whether that's with or without me."

Skylar looked down, tears pricking get eyelids, "Jack, I don't know if I'll be as happy without you." She faltered, Jack felt some sort of hope.

"We need to do this though, I still love you and that won't change anytime soon." Skylar further explained, crushing Jacks hope.

"Skylar! Hurry we're almost up front!" Alexis shouted for Skylar, feeling bad for rushing them.

Skylar nodded at Alexis before looking at Jacks glistening eyes. She rested her hand on his cheek and caressed his cheek with her thumb, "I love you, so much. Please, don't let this effect your work. Keep yourself busy if you have to." She instructed him.

Jack placed his hands her hips, "I love you too, you have no idea. I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up." He fought back the urge to cry.

Skylar's heart cracked slightly, "Jack," was all she managed to whisper.

Jack licked his lips, "One more?" He asked and she knew exactly what he meant.

She smiled softly and nodded, "One more."

Jack didn't waste any time as he smashed his lips against hers. It felt just like it did when they first kissed; indescribable.

It was then that they knew their love cannot be replaced.

It was then that they knew they'd find their way back to each other.

It was inevitable

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