Chapter Ten: Circles

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It was dark by the time we reached the shores of Washington state. The very minute our feet hit the ground, the needle on my familial compass began spinning. It finally came to an abrupt halt, pointing East with a resounding click. 

"Guess we have to head further inland." I mumbled, unwilling to look at anyone. 

I wasn't ashamed of what Nero, Gabriel, and I did on that aircraft least, I wasn't ashamed of the act itself. Instead, I was embarrassed by how little I cared about who was watching. We'd had a threesome in the middle of a crowd, where others could see. It made something that was so special feel dirty and sleezy. 

Made me feel dirty and sleezy. 

"Alright, then, fearless leader. Lead the way." Linc said from beside me, then called over his shoulder, "hey, wingus and dingus! Y'all comin' or what?"

I glanced back to see Nero and Gabriel dripping wet, wearing matching expressions of petulance. Confused, I arched a brow at the pair, bit didn't get to question their sudden dour mood. 

"Don't know why y'all are scowling. At least you two got laid." Linc huffed, turning to trudge forward. "I didn't even get to watch."

Ignoring Linc's bitter confession, I studied Gabriel and Nero a second longer, then turned to follow Linc. 


Even with our supernatural speed, it still took us a little over an hour to reach Seattle, which is where the compass had led us. Once we got to the bustling street of downtown, the needle on my device started doing circles at a dizzying pace. 

"Oh great, ya broke it." Linc grumbled, reaching for the compass. 

I pulled away before he could snatch it out of my hand. "I didn't break it! Maybe it's just...recalibrating?"

"Let me see." Gabriel spoke at last, cupping my hand to lift it up to his eyes. "Hmm, it looks like you may be right, Audrey." He mumbled, studying the device in my hand. 

Finally, the compass stopped with another click, this time pointing to a black-bricked building to the North. We all glanced at one another, uncertain and apprehensive, before heading for the intimidating edifice. 

"How will we know if we're getting close to Master?" I asked, having just thought of it. Duke had never explained to me how to read this thing once we were in close proximity to my great-grandfather. 

"According to our witch," Gabriel began, hanging back. "The compass will emit a series of high-pitched beep once you get close to Master." 

I was reminded then that we were hunting my only relative left in existence, and I felt my mood turn gloomy. In some small way I had hoped that we would somehow be heading towards a long-lost cousin of mine, or maybe even an aunt or uncle. It was silly of me to hope, I know, but I really didn't want to believe that it was just me and Master left. That finding him wouldn't be as easy as stepping off the streets and into a lobby made of glass and black marble veined with gold. 

"Hello, brethren." A perky blonde woman with bright yellow eyes greeted us from behind a sleek glass desk. "How many?"

"I'm sorry," I put the compass behind my back, and stepped up to the desk. "How many what?"

"How many of you will be staying with us this evening?" She answered pleasantly.

Utterly confused, I shot Linc and Nero a pleading look. They, just as lost as I was, simply shrugged. Thankfully, Gabriel swooped in to save the day, laying his British charm on extra thick. 

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