Chapter Twenty-Five: Motherly Advice (Nero's POV)

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I carried Vanessa for about an hour before we made it to a group of private docks at the back of what looked to be a restaurant. She had started to wake up, so I hummed her back to sleep while searching the area for anything useful. I didn't really need much, though, just something to put Audrey's mom in to make getting her to the island easier.

I couldn't very well swim there with her unconscious on my back.

Finally, I spotted a small speed boat docked and placed her aboard. Still whistling, I untethered the boat from the dock and hopped on. Luckily the keys were left in the ignition. And without a backward glance, I fired up the boat and pulled smoothly away from the dock, grateful for the boating lessons Lucius had given me growing up. I smiled at the memory of him trying to teach me how to drive a boat from the shore and shook my head, remembering how frustrating those lessons were for both of us.

I never really gave it much thought, but the guys had instilled a lot of useful lessons into me in my twenty years of life. Things like driving lessons and boating lessons seemed so trivial at the time. I had never planned on leaving the island, so learning to use a car or boat seemed like a moot point to me, but now I couldn't have been more grateful. They weren't my fathers, but they definitely did more for me than that bastard ever had.

The thought of Gildoroy, my father, made my blood go cold, and I tried my best to shake off some of the memories he'd left behind. Instead, I focused on seeing Audrey again, and my heart instantly sank. Even if everything worked out and we managed to destroy or incapacitate Master, it still wouldn't change things with the rest of us. I loved Audrey, more than I could ever love anyone or anything, but I was so sick of sharing her.

She was my mate, for fucks sake!

Before I knew that, I still didn't like sharing her with the other guys, though I had just accepted that because she was my queen, and I thought I didn't have a say. But I am the true king of our race, and I do have a say. Or at least, I should.

I sighed, feeling defeated.

I could never force her to do something against her will, could never throw around the weight of my title. She'd had too much of her freewill taken away from her already, thanks to my brother.

"Penny for your thoughts."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Too lost in my thoughts, I'd forgotten about keeping Vanessa asleep with my whistle. Now she was awake, watching me with eyes too much like Audrey's.

She laughed at my reaction and offered me a kind smile. "Relax, kiddo. I didn't mean to spook ya."

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking back at the ocean in front of us. "I was lost in thought."

"I could tell." She was speaking over the rumble of the boat's engine, though she didn't really have to for my sake. "So, what's on your mind?"

I glanced back at her, then back to the horizon without answering. I couldn't tell her I was thinking about her daughter, and our messed-up relationship. If you could even call it that.

"I've been told I'm a great listener." Vanessa offered, undeterred by my silence.

I looked back at her again and let out a loud breath. "I was thinking about Audrey. You see, I sort of--"

"Love her." Vanessa interrupted sagely.

"Yeah." I answered slowly, turning back to watch where I was going. "Very much."

"But you're not the only one."

"No," I bit out. "I'm not."

Vanessa was quiet for a moment, then asked, "is this the first time you've ever been in love?"

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