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𝟏𝟗 𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕

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"Did you do the homework for English?"

"Do you really think I did the homework for English?"

Arthur Langley sent a middle-finger to Taylor Brentwell, which only gained the response of two middle fingers from the girl. Junior year brought a few interesting changes (with one senior, Eli would like to mention) to the divided, but still associated group of friends. While Midtown tried to separate itself from the stereotypes of a modern-day high school—no one was pushing anyone into any lockers, save for Flash's commentary sometimes—it was still weird. Because haphazardly placed with their unofficially-assigned seats at the cafeteria table were three State-Ranked athletes, two brilliant mathletes, and a very unapproachable bookworm. Somehow it worked. Somehow the fusion of lunch groups came naturally that semester despite the difference of interests. Somehow happened because of one person. 

A loud sigh echoed across the long table, then a piece of paper appeared in front of Taylor and Arthur. Both of them looked up when they saw Michelle Jones with a scalding glare. "Don't copy word-for-word."

"I don't care what anyone says. You're the better MJ," Arthur cheered with glee as he snatched the paper from Taylor before she could copy first. "And yes, I'm absolutely only saying that because she's not here to beat my ass into next Tuesday."

Michelle rolled her eyes, then they lingered at the empty spot next to Taylor. "Where is MJ, by the way?"

"Her Ma told me she had a doctor's appointment when I called this morning to pick her up 'cause she wasn't answering, but she should be here by now," said her curly-haired best friend, and then her eyes darted over to the teenage boys next to Arthur. "Parker, have you heard from her today? She hasn't been texting me back. I think her phone's turned off. For the thousandth time."

Peter Parker was usually pretty quiet at lunch, save for when he was directly asked a question by someone. While Ned molded himself perfectly into the friend-group given that he bonded instantly with Arthur, Peter didn't have as much ease. He liked all of them, but having more people enter his life after becoming Spider-Man only made him worry about them finding out his secret. Arthur and Ned knowing felt small in comparison to the rest. Lizzie had been hiding the truth for years. His chest tightened when she was brought up, focusing heavily on the same English assignment Arthur was copying down.

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