Love Song - Eddie Munson

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Olivia and Eddie have hated each other since the 3rd grade. Eddie had started bullying her then and it hadn't been any different in the years leading up to this current one.

"Sup slut." Eddie says, leaning against the locker next to hers.

She rolls her eyes and shuts her locker. "What do you want now Eddie?"

"I need help with something and I chose you to help me. Meet me at the park on Grand Avenue at 6 pm." He says, before standing up straight again and walking away.

"Wait what do you need help with?" She calls after him.

She can't see it on his face but he just smirks as he walks away and ignores the question. Olivia was very confused. What could he possibly need her for? He hates her. What if he was just inviting her out to humiliate her with his friends? Maybe she shouldn't go.

She had been debating it all day, and by the time the clock struck 5:50, she found herself putting on shoes and a sweatshirt before walking to the door. She had no idea what she was doing or why she was going but she couldn't stop herself from walking to the park down the block from her house if she wanted to.

She got there at 5:56 and sat on a bench. Eddie wasn't here yet but knowing him, he'd probably be late. He was probably in a basement or at school still playing DND with his friends. That's what he was usually doing. Well not that she would know for a fact, but she's heard rumors about him. She always avoided him like he was a plague and he did the same with her, unless it was to embarrass her or bully her in front of everyone in school.

She sighs and checks the time after sitting there for a while. 6:13. What could Eddie possibly want? Is he going to come alone? Should she have told someone that she was coming her in case he killed her? Would he go as far as milking someone? It didn't seem like he would be that type of person but then again, she didn't truly know him. She didn't really care enough know him that well.

"Hey." She hears a call from behind her. "I didn't think you would actually come."

She turns around and sees Eddie walking towards her. "Me either."

"I need your help." He says.

"I know, that's why I'm here, remember? What do you need help with?" She asks.

"Look, I know this is gonna be weird but I know you're amazing in English and you're going to major in something related to that in college, so I'm coming to you to help me write a song for my music class." He explains to her.

"Eddie, writing essay's and writing songs are two completely different things. I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you out." She says before she starts to walk away.

"Wait." He says, making her stop in her tracks.

She sighs and puts her hands in her pockets before turning around to look at him again. He walks closer to her and looks into her eyes.

"I know you write amazing poetry. You always get A's and poetry and songwriting aren't too far off. Please help me." He tells her.

"What's in it for me?" She asks.

He shrugs. "Whatever you want."

"Are you really that desperate for my help that you're willing to give me whatever I want?" She asks, shocked.

"Yes. This is my year. I can feel it. I have other tutors for every subject I need help in and I need to write the most perfect song and with your amazing writing skills I know I won't fail. Please, help me." He begs.

"Fine. When do we start?" She says, finally giving in.

"Uhh.. about that.." He says and rubs the back of his neck.

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