I Miss You - Billy Hargrove

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Cynthia sighs as she checks her answering machine again. Still no calls from her boyfriend Billy.

He had just moved away to a place called Hawkins, Indiana. She missed him a lot. He didn't say why he was moving, he just said to thank his new step-sister Max for it.

He had been gone for about a week now and she hasn't heard from him. She was scared that this meant he was leaving her. Yes he wasn't the best boyfriend, but she still loved him with her whole heart. She couldn't help it. The heart wants what it wants.

She looked out the window as a loud car passed by. She wished it was Billy. She hated to admit it but she missed his annoyingly loud car. They would always have arguments with her neighbors because he loved to be as loud with it as he could.

She ran to the phone when it started ringing. "Hello?"

"Hey baby." Billy says.

She hears him inhale a cigarette and then blow it out. She missed that so much.

"How's Hawkins?" She asks.

"It fucking sucks. I miss you." He answers.

Cynthia couldn't help but blush. He was being nice for now but that could change at any second. Fighting is what they did best. Billy would just randomly snap. Say you breathe wrong, everything would then be your fault and he'd be mad at you for literally something you have no idea about. He'd get mad about that but then would accuse you of like cheating on him when in reality, you don't talk to other men cause he scares them away.

"I miss you more." She smiles.

"I hate my fucking step sister." He groans.

"What even happened that made you have to move away?" She asks.

"None of your damn business." He snaps.

Another thing about Billy is that if he was going to tell you anything, you can't pressure him to tell you, he has to do it on his own terms. If you were worthy enough, he would slowly open up but he could snap and shut down again any second.

She stays silent and he sighs. "I'm gonna come and visit you baby."

"When?" She asks, perking up.

He takes another drag of his cigarette. "I'll leave right now."

"And you're driving all the way here?" She asks.

"Just for you baby." He answers.

"But that drive will take over a day." She says.

"I know, I traveled here from California, didn't I?" He says, with a nasty tone.

"I know, I'm sorry." She says. "You can stay at my house if you want, or even if you do end up coming. My parents are away for the weekend visiting my aunt and uncle."

"Even better." He smirks.

She could tell he was smirking. She knew him too well. 92% of the time, he was smirking. The other 8% he had a mad look on his face because of something stupid she tried to joke about. He didn't understand her humor and hated when she'd joke around. That didn't stop her though.

They hung up the phone soon and she started cleaning up the house to make it look nicer. Billy on the other hand started throwing some random shit into a duffel bag before throwing it over his shoulder and walking out to his car. He throws his bag into the trunk of his car and gets in. He starts the car and starts to blast the new Van Halen song Hot For Teacher that playing on the radio as he backs out of the driveway.

"Woah, watch where you're going asshole." Max says, jumping off her skateboard as she avoids getting hit. She had pulled up the same time he sped down the driveway without looking.

He flips her off and starts to speed down the block and begins his journey back to California.


Cynthia jumps off the couch as she hears a familiar car pull onto her block. She ran to the window and smiled widely as she watches him pull up aggressively and almost hit their neighbors garbage cans they put out for the night.

She runs to the door and pulls it open before running out to greet him. He gets out of the car as she gets close and she jumps into his arms.

"I missed you so much." She says, into his neck.

"I missed you too." He says, as he puts her down. He turns to grab his bag and hands it to her as he takes his pack of cigarettes out and lights one up.

She looks down at the bag in her hands and sighs. Of course she was going to have to carry that inside for him. He often treated her like shit and made her do shit like this for him but at the end of the day, she loved him and even if it pissed her off now, she would forget it the second he would kiss her or when they would do other things.

"Is there a problem?" He asks, taking a drag of the cigarette.

"No." She says, looking up from him. She must have been lost in thought staring at the bag.

"Sure seems like it." He scoffs.

"Please Billy, I don't want to fight right now. You just traveled here for hours, can't we just make the best of the time we have together?" She begs.

"Fine." He says, putting his cigarette out and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. He leads her to the door and walks inside after her. "So where are your parents visiting?"

"They're in Nevada." She tells him.

"Good, so when I make you scream a lot tonight, if the neighbors call them, they can't just show up out of no where." He smirks.

She blushes at the reminders of those memories. Whenever they used to have sex and they got too loud, the neighbors, well just the one neighbor who is an old bitch, would call her parents and rat her out. They used to come home real quick from wherever they were. Now that they were in a different state, it didn't matter.

"Oh so is that what you have planned for tonight?" She smirks.

"Tonight? More like right now." He says, taking his bag out of her hands and throwing it to the side and pushing her up against the front door.

"But then what would we do later?" She asks, biting her lip, trying to tease him a bit.

"Oh honey, I can go all night." He says, before starting to leave marks on her neck.

"I can't wait." She says, accidentally letting a moan slip out within that sentence.

It felt amazing to have Billy back. She felt alive and happy again. Yes they had their differences but in the end, she loved him more than anything and wouldn't change that for the world.


"Please don't go." She pouts a few days later.

Her parents were going to be home in a few hours and Billy wanted to leave before they got back. They would kill her if they knew a boy spent the weekend there. Not that her neighbor wouldn't rat her out, but it would be worse if he was there when they got home.

"I have to." He tells her. "I'll call you as soon as I get back home."

"Promise?" She asks.

"Promise." He tells her, before getting in his car.

"I love you." She says to him, right before he starts his car.

"I love you too." He says before he starts to drive away and watches as she waves in the rear view mirror.

Just like that, her boyfriend was gone again. Who knew when the next time she would see him or speak to him would be. Yes he promised to call her but let's be real, he wouldn't. Not for a few days at least.

She sighs and walks back into her house. Alone again. Just the way she hated it. She missed him so much already. She prayed that he would be back soon and that he wouldn't forget about her or find someone new in Hawkins.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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