Chapter Eight: A Somewhat Normal Life, Again

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The next morning as the slow rising sun unwrapped itself from the cover of the buildings a cool fresh breeze drifted softly in from the north squeezing it's way through the old apartment windows. It was good feeling, a cool and gentle wake up call to her; like a gentle hand brushing against her face to comfort and accept her. A few minutes passed before a groan fell from her lips, only for her smile to return a second after. The rays of the sunlight shining through the small cracks in her windows lighting up her eyes and face greeting her good morning before the her day had even begun. Covering her eyes from the light her smile grew wider, she felt at ease for the first time since she had left but with a twist, she wasn't in Italy, Cassandra, was in the comfort of her own home. Her old bed sheets wrapped around her welcoming her home happily, the old warm smell soothed her worried mind sweeping away all the stress from the past. She was at home, this is were her heart belonged.

Remembering the very reason why she had left Italy in the first place, her smile never faded. And it never grew either. She was content being back at home. She knew she had things that she needed to worry about. Her vision about her sister Bella was the main reason. Was she still hurt about Caius? Yes. But was she going to get over it easily? Damn right she was. Cassandra picked her own fate and she was not going to accept anyone picking it for her. As she lay there on her bed slowly her mind started going over the things that she needed to do. First of all she needed to unpack and put everything back in the places it belonged. Which if she was being honest was not something that would take up much of her time. But while she was back she knew she had to get back to her job. Contact her friend. And so many other things. What she was going to struggle with was convincing her Boss at her job to give her more time off after a week. But she knew how to do it. Working extra hard and just being her happy self. After all Cassandra was always a hard worker and was well paid for her job. After all, she was one of their best workers and her boss knew it.

Did she need to worry about the Volturi?

No. Aro had the number to her workplace and her phone. Which she always kept charged. So that for her was far from something to worry about. After all, her phone was her life. She always made sure it was charged and always had the volume on full blast and had it with her at all times. Apart from when she was working.

In the back of her mind as she headed into her open space living-room and kitchen, a small hum fell from her lips as she started the kettle to brew herself a warm welcome home cup-of-tea. Picking up her phone along the way she began to dial a few numbers. First her boss to tell him she was back in town and could start working again. After all she enjoyed work. In more ways than one. And as if to her luck, she was informed after a week he was closing for a month and a half for renovations. Which worked perfectly for her. So that also meant that she was going to get a month and a half's pay at the end of the week. She smiled. This was perfect timing and worked great for her. She even rang the theatre and found that they were more than happy for her to stop by and do some singing classes for some of the performers there. She still remembered when she first rang them up to see if she could help, and how they always had trouble looking for good singing coaches. So she gave it a go and found she really enjoyed it.

Ten minutes had passed, she was finally finished with all her calls, her bills were all taken care off and now she was sipping her hot drink watching the tv. She was watching one of her old DVD's that had sat there waiting for her to return to them. Shockingly no dust or anything dirty was in her little apartment, her friends must have looked after it while she was away, after all they did know were she hid the spare key. That thought made her smile shaking her head happily.

Humming, Cassandra turned her attention back to the movie she was watching. Even though it was childish she couldn't help watch the Movie, Mr. Popper's Penguins. It was a comedy that one of her friends had gotten her hooked on. It was romantic and funny at the same time, something that she enjoyed.

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