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daniel texted me. my mind starts going on and on about so many situations that could possibly happen. what if he knows about Oaklynn. i mean he should know about her and i feel so guilty not telling him but when your boyfriend breaks up with you one night to follow his dreams its not so easy to say "oh yeah by the way i'm pregnant!" that would've ruined everything. but what makes me the most guilty is that Oaklynn doesn't have a present dad and she deserves that. Daniel deserves to be in her life too but thats just a decision he would have to make.
Finally I get the nerve to read the notification

 Finally I get the nerve to read the notification

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Okay. he wants to talk. I can do that...right?
i open the app and type "We can talk. just give me a time and place and i'll be there." what does he want to talk about? i mean it's obviously about the breakup but i just have a feeling there's more to it.

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