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it's been a week and today is the day i meet up with Daniel. i surprisingly don't feel that nervous i think it's because we've been texting each other quite often. He knows about Oaklynn but doesn't know that she's his baby. hopefully if this meet up goes well then i can tell Daniel about Oaklynn. anyway it is currently 9 in the morning and i'm making Oak and I breakfast and then taking her to my parents house because i meet Daniel at 11. The only person other than my sister who knows about who i'm going to meet up is my best friends lauren and lainey. I just dont want to tell my mom about this yet because when the breakup was all happening my mom took it pretty hard. she loved Daniel and was convinced he was going to be the one. then when i found out i was pregnant my mom gave me so much crap about how i should've told him about the baby.

2 hours later

I'm on my way to a coffee shop Daniel requested to meet up at and i think the nerves are starting to hit now. I just hope everything goes good.
as i pull up to the coffee shop put my car in park and sit in the car for a few minutes. "lets get this over with" i lightly whisper to myself

I walk into the coffee shop and a familiar voice calls my name "callie" i look over and see Daniel. He's smiling and calling me over. I go sit in the chair across from him and i say "hi how are you!"
"im good, working alot. i saw that you have a baby, congratulations" he says smiling "thank you! its been a long ride but she's the best thing thats ever happened to me"

we talk for what feels like hours about what happened in each other's lifes and how successful his band is doing. He also apologized for all the pain he caused me. I really think we both needed this. To talk things out and im so glad we did.

Hey oak just woke up running a fever just wanted to let you know

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Hey oak just woke up running a fever
just wanted to let you know

                                  poor baby, okay i'll be there soon
                                   thanks for letting me know
of course!

                                  poor baby, okay i'll be there soon                                   thanks for letting me know of course!

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I look up from my phone and tell daniel
"my daughter is running a fever i really have to go i'm so sorry"

"i'll go with you" he says while standing up
we walk out the coffee shop to see a whole bunch of paparazzi "im so sorry about this" he says while opening the car door "its okay, its not your fault"

from then we head to the store to get medicine for the fever and head home.

𝐶𝐿𝑂𝑈𝐷 𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐸, 𝐷𝐽𝑆Where stories live. Discover now