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It's been a few days since I last saw Daniel at the party and to be honest not telling him about his daughter is killing me inside...so thats why i invited him over...to tell him. I have my sister over watching the baby upstairs while Daniel's over because i honestly dont know how he's going to react.

about an hour later i hear a knock on the door...i've never been this nervous before but he deserves to know.
"hey daniel" i said as im opening the door i cant help but smile at him
"hey, you needed to talk?"
"yeah umm come in.."
he walks inside my house heading towards the living room
"is everything okay. that text kinda scared me" he said while sitting down on the couch
"there's something i've been meaning to tell you for awhile now and i feel so so bad for keeping it from you."  i said looking down, fidgeting with my fingers
"whats wrong" he said looking at me
*Im so nervous right now. he's going to hate me. *
"Callie...whats going on?" he said concerned
"Daniel. remember the day you left to be apart of the band"
"i mean yeah..it was a pretty hard day"
"well there was something i was going to tell you that day but you ended up leaving and i never got the chance too"
he looks at me waiting for me to finish the story
"i was going to tell you that i was pregnant.."
he cuffed his head in his hands
"im so sorry i didn't tell you sooner. i was planning on it but-"
"callie don't apologize this isn't all your fault. I should've have left"
I look up at him with tears in my eyes
"i know but i shouldn't have kept it from you. You have every right to know"
"there was no way you could've contacted me and you know that. Im sorry."
he gets up and hugs me..i hug him back
and we sit there for a few seconds before he asked
"can i see her?" he said pulling out of the hug
"yeah, of course"

I text Makenna and ask her to bring the baby down. You can tell he's nervous and excited but i expect nothing else since this is all pretty new to him
Makenna hands the baby to daniel
"Hi oak" he says adoring his baby girl
"Im your daddy...wow i can't believe i just said that"
he said looking up at me

📍Marina Del Rey, California

liked by annaseavey, gabbiegonzalez and 12,957 others callieparker: 🤍

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liked by annaseavey, gabbiegonzalez and 12,957 others
callieparker: 🤍

danielseavey: 🤍
fanacct: she's the absolute cutest
fanacct: is this a bf reveal??????
makennaparker: THE BABYYY 🥺🥺
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