You Dream My Realities Part 1

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Drake: Look Miah if this is about the fight I don't wanna t-

Miah: *kisses him and wraps her arms around him* Can we go somewhere?

Drake: Hold on. *kisses her*

Miah: *deepens the kiss and wraps her leg around his leg*

Drake: *massages her back a little and breaks the kiss* Ok, now.

*in the car*

Drake: Where you wanna go?

Miah: Just drive. I don't know. Haha.

Drake: *turns up the radio*

Miah: Dang. Oo what song is this I've never heard it. The beat is awesome.

Drake: *jaw drops an turns off the radio*

Miah: what are you doing?? I like this song.

Drake: You just said you don't know it.

Miah: I want to *turns on the radio*

Drake: * realizes it 'July' facepalms himself*

Miah: Drake this sounds like you.

Drake: cool....

Miah: did you make this?

Drake: How did this get in the radio?

Miah: I asked a question.

Drake: Me too. This is awkward huh?

Miah: Drake!

Drake: Miah!

Miah: DRAKE!!

Drake: Only Slim.

Miah: who?

Drake: It is me.

Miah: oh my gosh. Drake that's amazing!

Drake: Yeah but my cousin so irritating I told him after school .

Miah: What?

Drake; Nothing lets go to my house.

*Drakes Phone Rings*

Drake: Hello?

Miah: who is that ?

Drake : *puts his finger up* Slim?

Slim: Hey I was wondering if you could come down to the studio ?

Miah: Who is Slim?

Drake: Miah please . What for slim?

Slim: Who is Miah?

Drake: Slim. Just tell me what for..

Slim: Its an agent down here . He want you to sign with them.

Drake: ill be there in a minute.

Miah: drake where are you even going,

Drake: just get in the car.

Miah: Drake!

Drake: Get in the car!

Miah: I just want to kno where we going.

Drake: you'll see.

Miah: *gets in the car* You're acting like a Ham , bro.

Drake: *rolls his eyes and pulls up to the studio *

Slim is standing outside.

Slim: Drake !

Drake get out of the car and walks in. Miah hurries behind him.

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