You Dream My Realities Part 2

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Miah P.O.V

I woke up to a wake up from Drake. It's like 6AM. As I answered FaceTime I noticed I barely packed. I don't even remember falling asleep.

Drake: Good morning.

Miah: *runs across her room trying to grab items*

Drake: Miah?

Miah: Morning!

Drake: You ok?

Miah: I fell asleep and barely packed.

Drake: You better pack. We all meeting at 12:00.

Miah: I know. Ill see you.

Drake: Bye.


Miah P.O.V

It's 11:30 and I'm fully packed, dressed, and ready. That was so stressful. I grab my luggage and walk downstairs.

Josh: You ready?

Miah: Yes.

Josh: You sure?

Miah: Yes.

Josh: You got everything?

Miah: Yes dad.

Josh: You positive?

Miah: Dad! Yes.

Josh: Ok be good. Have fun.

Miah: Bye dad.

Josh: Bye Miah. Wait! Give me a hug.

Miah: *hugs Josh* Love you dad.

Josh: Love you too. Bye Miah.


(Atlanta Airport)

Drake: This is it guys.

Wiz: Ayyye. We bout to make it big.

Chris: I hope.

Ari: OMMMGGGGG!! I'm so excited!!!

Miah: This going to be so fun.

Drake: We have the first class seats. I have 3C.

Chris: 3A

Wiz: 3B

Tyga: Me and Ari got 3D and 3E.

Wiz: Aw man, Imma be between y'all two. I got to get up to use the bathroom a lot though.

Miah: I got 4A it's a single seat. Wiz we can switch.

Wiz: Ok thanks Miah.

Gate agent: Now boarding flight 256 to Houston, Texas.

Drake: Guess that's us.

Ari: Drake!

Drake: Yeah?

Ari: *hugs Drake and squeezes him really hard*

Drake: *hugs back lightly and laughs*

Ari: *picks Drake up*

Drake: The heck. She an undercover professional weightlifter.

E.B.E: *laughs*

Miah: Ari, Can you go to the bathroom with me?

Ari: We'll be right back.

Miah: I'm going to be sitting in between Chris and Drake! This is going to be so awkward.

Ari: This is a life opportunity, don't let your love life ruin it . Lets go have fun.

*on plane(everyone is seated)*

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