Aye that looks like whats her name.

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Jeremiah P.O.V

I changed into a black fitted dress that stopped at my lower/mid thighs . I brushed my freshly dyed hair. It was a light gold on the top and black on the bottom , I teased my hair and and put it in a curly ponytail. I put on my gold hoop earrings and my gold shoes. I sprayed some No• 1 by A&F.

I grabbed my jacket, purse, phone,&keys and headed downstairs. I was greeted by the face of my little brother Randall.

Randall: Where you going?

Jeremiah: Party.

Randall stuck his hand out.

Jeremiah pulled out a 50 and gave it to her brother, sitting on the couch.

Randall: 50?!?!

Jeremiah: Shhh. Yes Ik you usually take $25 at the most but I owe you one so take it.

Randall runs Over to her and gives her a big hug. After that, she walked out and heads to the park.



On the way to the party.

Ari: OMG. You look to cute! Your little mocha self.

I smiled and looked over at Ari. Her long brown hair was down. She had on this cropped orange lace top with a floral skirt that is short in front, long in the back. She had white pumps to match.

Miah: Girl you look like a doll. I'm so glad we going to this party!

Ari: Me too! I wanna meet me an Italian or Asian.

Miah: Ooo! Speaking of that, I saw these two boys . One was named Chris , that one was my type , but the other one was tiger or tigger. Tigger I think. He looked like he was Asian or something.

Ari: Yay! Did you get their numbers?

Miah : No, my dad came out and messed it all up!

Ari pulls up into the lot .

Ari; Dang, you got an Italian nigga a happy! Lets go.

They walk inside of the club.

.Club Zebra.

Security : Name?

Ari: Ari B. and Jeremiah L.

Security: Go head in.

They walk into the club, where The illuminated bright lights are colorful and flashing. They look for Sonti, the hostess, they find her dancing by the bar.

Sonti: Heyyy! I'm glad you can make it! Go head and have fun !

Ari and Jeremiah head to the dance floor and start dancing. Shortly after, Miah scans the room and sees ....... Chris.

Miah: *stops dancing and tightly grabs Ari's arm* It's Chris!

Ari: uhh . Who? From this morning?

Miah: Yessss. Lets go talk to him! *runs over to him*

Ari follows .

Miah: Hey Stranger. *smiles*

Chris: Hey, your umm Jeremy right?

Jeremiah's smile fades and Ari bust out laughing.

Chris: Is that not right?

Jeremiah: No, but don't worry about I'm good anyway. *starts walking away*

Chris slaps her butt.

Chris: Come on don't be that way girl.

Jeremiah : Don't touch me ! *glares at him*

Chris: *pecks her lips* Loosen up Bae.

Jeremiah just looks at him & then Ari, who is caked up with Tyga. She signs.

Jeremiah: Your a jerk you know that? How u know that I don't have a boyfriend?

Chris: Why would you be with me and not him , if you did?

Jeremiah: *sarcastically speaking* Ha Ha. Your sooo smart.

Chris: Well I am going to one of the top schools in the district, Twin Branches High School.

Jeremiah P.O.V

MY SCHOOL? REALLY HE HAS TO GO TO MY SCHOOL. All these schools in the state and Chris the jerk face hoe has to go there. Ugh! I looked at him and admired his appearance . I looked at his curly hair , Carmel skin and gorgeous brown eyes. I looked at the white v neck he had on and noticed his tattoos. I bit my lip I loved tattoos. He noticed me and smiled. I looked up at his smile... Ooo his smile was too die for. He had perfect straight white teeth and dimples . I smiled to, but then stopped when I realized why.

Chris: You have a pretty smile.

Jeremiah: Thanks, you too.

Ari: Awwww look at them. Y'all so cute.

Jeremiah : Chill. Lets just go dance or something .


The whole night was a blast. We danced, laughed and talked the whole night. I learn a lot about Chris. Like how he's silly, sweet, charming and super funny. I also learned how he can be a total jerk. I learned about Tyga ; how his name wasn't tigger and how he's just like me. Me and him probably gonna be good friends . And Ari, my baby Ari, she has found her an Asian and she is really digging him. Now me and Chris will be friends and FRIENDS only. I won't be able to see him anyways . The only reason I'm out today is my parents went to a boat party that doesn't dock to 3am. So I know I was good. I got inside and saw my brother sleep on the couch. I put a cover on him and turn the tv off. I then took a shower and went to sleep. I went to sleep with a smile on my face, I think I'm beginning to like Chris❤


Sorry It's boring , I tried to put a little something out there. So comment and vote loves


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