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VALERIE CARVER WAS USED TO BEING SECOND, which was why suddenly being first came as such a surprise. First born in her family following the death of her brother; first in line to the throne of Hawkins High after the death of her best friend; and first choice of her almost-boyfriend when he returned from the dead.

According to official records, Eddie had died for twenty-three minutes and they had been, without a doubt, the longest twenty-three minutes of Val's life. After his eyes closed for what she feared was the last time, Dustin returned with help and, while Val herself was too delirious to contribute, the others carefully returned his body to the correct dimension and called an ambulance for help. She held his hand all the way to the hospital and would have through surgery too if they'd let her. However, they were soon reunited when hers was the first name he called upon waking up. 

It wasn't easy to convince the police of Eddie's innocence but, with his injuries corroborating their story and so many witnesses fighting in his corner, they eventually came around. It was Nancy's idea: the same person who killed Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick had used Eddie as a cover and tried to kill him too when he was no longer needed. Where that person was now was anyone's question. As long as he stayed the fuck away, Val didn't care whether Vecna was dead or alive. 

It had been a few days since the attack and both Val and Max were still alive, which had to mean something good. Although, that wasn't to say it had been all sunshine and rainbows since then. The news was reporting it as a mainshock earthquake but that wasn't entirely true. When Vecna's mindscape began to crumble, so did his connections to upright Hawkins. The gates converged upon the town centre, killing a number of people in the process... Jason included.

Lucas was the one who broke the news to her. He was the only other one who knew Jason more than the Captain of the Basketball Team. He probably felt guilty for berating her for not cutting off her brother completely but Val didn't hold that against him. It was the right call and, given how Jason had turned against him so quickly, it made sense. Still, she knew he was beating himself up about it... as was she. 

Vecna showed her very explicitly what would happen and she chose Eddie anyway. It wasn't a decision she regretted; she would make the same one again and again... except that didn't mean she was guilt-free. After what happened with Chrissy and Patrick, she knew better than to let that guilt eat her alive but Jason was her brother - her other half - so, of course, she wouldn't be fine about it. It was like a part of her had been ripped out, leaving her nothing more than an empty shell. It would take a long time for her to recover from this but something told her she wouldn't be going through it alone; everyone had lost something important to them and they would all be there to support each other.

"Hey, rockstar," Val grinned, sliding into Eddie's room at the hospital. Despite his name being cleared, safe to say not everyone was wishing him a speedy recovery. Therefore, for his own protection, the police had afforded him a private room with constant protection stationed outside. Visitors would usually have to be processed and authorised but, given Val was admitted for her own wounds, the hospital staff were willing to look the other way for the sake of young love. "I've got a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" He asked. "For me?"

"No, for your Uncle Wayne," She rolled her eyes. "Yes, for you. Now, close your eyes." 

As he complied, Val ran back outside and wheeled in a television cart. Ever since postponing their date to the drive-in, she hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. And then it hit her: if they couldn't go to the drive-in, why couldn't she bring the drive-in to them?

"Okay," She said giddily, practically jumping over to join him. "Open!"

"No way."


"No way."

"Yes! I got Steve and Robin to rent Friday the 13th for me, I've got the best snacks the vending machines had to offer, and I've even got milkshakes from the canteen. What do you say?"

"I say I should have got myself hospitalised sooner."

"That could have been arranged. Now, shush; its starting."

Huddled together under the blanket, Val swore she had never felt happier. It had taken a lot of pain and struggle to get there but things were finally looking up. There would be good days and there would be bad days but that was part of life and she was so excited to get to live them. 

At the start of the year, Val declared 1986 was to be her Big Year of Change and, suffice to say, she had succeeded. There was a force at work in Hawkins but what she failed to see before was that force wasn't anything to be afraid of; it was inside her all along. All she had to do was find it. And, after defeating an evil wizard from an alternate dimension, Val was sure there was nothing she couldn't do. 

author's note:

AND - AFTER FIVE MONTHS - WE'RE FINALLY DONE! I want to thank my parents for paying for Netflix; Joseph Quinn for making me unheathily obsessed with yet another fictional character; whoever made the genius decision to put all my exams in the same month as I'm trying to write; and, of course, my Copper Trio besties for being pretty much the only motivation I have left.

But, seriously, this has been very chaotic to write - I've never done a 'make it up as you go along' fic before (and I don't think I will again, this has proved I am indeed a planner) but it was hella fun. I don't know specifically what I'm going to do next - maybe I'll get started on Obliviate Book 2 (if you like Harry Potter and for some reason liked my writing, go read Book 1) - but I've got a few ideas kicking around. I mean I've also got mocks in like two months but exams are one thing I don't meticulously prepare for so oh well. (Disclaimer: this is not condoning procrastination; its stressful, it ends in tears, I don't recommend). 

Hmm... any personal updates? I don't think so. Its Christmas soon ig but its Christmas every year that's nothing new. I've bought all my presents now so slay I don't have to worry about that anymore but how do you wrap the presents of the person who usually does all the wrapping? I could try wrapping them myself but I'm a 'if I'm not immediately the best at it then I don't want to do it' kind of person. 

Okay, that's it! Thanks for reading! Bye! :)

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