
943 12 1

F/c=favorite color

F/f=favorite food

F/d=favorite drink

B/s=birthday season

h/c=hair color

E/c=eye color

f/p=favorite place

p/n=palismans name

p/a=palismans animal
This chapter contains:




y/n and hunter will be dating in this chapter, and y/n was in the same coven as hunter but she left after, she found out a few things about belos and stuff.
The owl house


3:26 pm

y/n pov

"ughhhhh" I groaned sitting up from my bed.

"what's up y/n?" luz asked looking at me from the floor.

"This birthday is just so boring, I don't understand how others can have fun birthdays" I flopped back onto the bed.

"wait it's your birthday?!?!" luz got up from the floor and came over to the bed.

"Did I not tell you" I looked at her and she shook her head "oops," I said.

"girl you should go do something," she said and opened the window.

"w-what are you doing!?!?" I yelled.

Just then I got shoved out the window, lucky I landed on some..hay? don't know why we have that here but okay.

I got up and dusted myself off looking up at the sky.

the sky was a mix of blue with pink?

I guess it does make sense cause of the time, I shrugged and got on my palisman, I thought about going to the town cause I really have nothing better to do

As I was flying through the woods I thought about things, I haven't talked to hunter in a while or sense left the whole coven thing, I don't think we were really that happy about it but the least he can do is wish me happy birthday like fuck.

As I got to the town I put my palisman away and began walking around, I first counted my money to see how much I have 40$ is all I got but that should work for a bit.

I sighed and walked around looking at the stores and things that were set up.

I yawned, and went to the library I wanted to see if amity was working maybe we could hang out or something.

When I got to the library I went in and looked for amity everywhere but I could not find it here it was kinda weird but okay, I shrugged and left knowing I'm not in the mood for reading.

when I got out of the liberty I got pulled into an ally way.

"Wtf!!!!" I screeched, before I got my mouth covered by a gloved hand.

"Shhh your so fucking loud it's just me" the person uncovered my mouth and turned me around.

"Hunter? Wtf do you want" I sneered and glared and rolled my eyes.

"Chill dude I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday" he said annoyed.

"Oh" I plainly said.

"Yeah asshole" he glared at me.

"Whatever but how's your cult?" I asked.

"Cult?" He said confused.

"Yeah your fucking cult? Do you not know your own cult?" I pulled my sleeves up to show my sign thing.

"Ohhh the coven its meh it was better with you in" he sighed.

"Well there is no way I am coming back to that cult, belos is a fucking lier and I think I wanna go my own way in life" I said pissed.

"First belos is not a fucking lier second you can do your own things while th-" I cut him off.

"No you really can't you have to wake up early, you get like no breaks and you have to do things and missions that you don't wanna do, it's not fair I don't want my life to be under someone's control forever" I sighed.

"Y/n it's not like that" he sighed.

"I'm not talking about this hunter, I do love you but I don't wanna talk about this on my birthday, goodbye" I said getting on my palisman and flying away.

I cannot believe him, the whole thing is like a cult, you like never get to do anything you want cause belos is always watching, and yelled and telling you what to do I hate it, I just hate it I sighed yet again.

I flew back to the owl house and got off my palisman then I went inside.

"Surprise!!!!" People screamed.

"Ah wtf!!" I yelled then noticed there were cake and gifts?

"Whats this about" I sighed asking.

"Well you said it was your birthday so here you are" luz said and smiled.

"Awww thanks guys" I smiled and we got to opened the gifts and eating cake.

I think this was one of the best birthdays ever.

♡~800 words~♡

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