
646 11 2

Y/n: your name


This chapter contains:





In this chapter y/n does know how to swim but she is not very good at it also y/n and hunter are together and do live together and this chapter is in the human realm.




11 am

Y/n pov

"Come on hunter you are taking forever!!" I whined as I sat on the floor.

"I just need to make sure we have eveything" he sighed for what seemed like the 10th time.

"You said that 20 minutes ago?!" I groaned.

"Okay okay we can go now chill" he said and we left.

♡~11:34 am~♡

"Yesss we are finally here!!!" I yelled and got out of the car.

Hunter laughed.

I opened the trunk and pulled put a raft kind of thing that would float.

Me and hunter already had our swimming suits on, hunter jumped into the lake and I got on my raft thing.

♡~2:02 pm~♡

"Hold on I'll be right back" hunter said and got off the raft.

I wanted to try something so I got myself up and stood up on the raft.

It was fun just standing there and I wanted to see around so I moved my foot.

"Gah!" I yelled as the raft tipped over and I went into the water.

I went under for abit but I came back up and gasp for air and fell back down.

I couldn't really swim and I was in the deep part of the lake and that doesn't help but either.

I came back and gasp for air again and fell back down again.

And that's when it all went black..

















"Come on come on you can't leave me yet!!"











"No God please!!"







I coughed and coughed.

When I opened my eyes there was hunter,tears in his eyes.


I closed my eyes again.










I opened my eyes to a bright light that was above me.

I looked around it seemed like I was in a hospital.

There was hunter on one side of the room sitting in a chair looked stressed out, and on the other was a desk along with a area that you can use the bathroom.

I left weak like really weak.







"H-hunter?" I mumbled.





"Y/n?!" Hunter gasp and came over to me.

Just then the docter came into the room.

"I see your awake" the docter said and I nodded.


Then I closed my eyes again.





"She will be ---- she just needs to rest --- is very weak she was ----- for aw--le" Someone said I could barely understand them.



I woke up.

"H-hello?" I mumbled and there rushed hunter.

"Hey y/n" he said softly.

"H-hi" I mumbled again.

"Just rest up baby..your gonna need it" he sighed and kissed my forehead.



I closed my eyes again.




I hope I can get better soon.







♡~490 words~♡

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