Chapter 3

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This isn't my video, but I've been addicted to listening to the Nightcore stuff through YouTube.

Sophie POV

I suck in a deep breath. Oh. My. Gosh. That stupid branch had to snap and now they know we're here. Of course. Isly turns to me and puts a singular finger over her lips, silencing my thoughts. Wait. No. Rafal called the other boy Rhian. Rhian can't be alive. I watched him die. That tanned boy died by his brother Japeth's own blade. And why doesn't he look like the Rhian I knew? 

But Rafal can't be alive either. He died after I swung the axe down on the black swan gold ring that kept him alive. So why are they here?

Rafal steps warily toward our bush, and I see Isly tense up. But my former lover doesn't rip open the bush like I would have. He raises his hand, and the bush lifts up, revealing Isly and I cowering together. Rafal and Rhian raise their eyebrows in unison. They look at each other and speak at the exact same time. "Are they your students?"

I come to a realization. This whole time that we have been hiding behind the bush and listening to these two boys, I thought that this Rhian was the one that I knew once; the one who was killed by his reptilian brother. But no. That's not it. Rafal mentioned once that his brother's name  was Rhian. I think that Rafal and his brother are both standing before me. I just hope I'm wrong.


Both Rhian and Rafal look at Isly and I. Rhian speaks, breaking the awkward silence that was making itself at home. "Who are you two?" he says, and I stand up, brushing off my sparkly black sequined dress. "Tell us who you are, and we'll tell you who we are," I retort. Rafal looks ready to fight, but his auburn-haired companion lays a hand on his arm, calming Rafal down.

"I'm Rhian, and this is my brother, Rafal. We're twins and both School Masters. I'm Good, he's Evil," Rhian says. "Now your turn." "I'm Isly, and this is Sophie. We woke up in a clearing several hours ago and came to help here because the school was getting attacked. We have two other friends, Agatha and Tedros," Isly pipes up. We all turn to her. She's clearly regained courage, and I think she's given away too much.

I stare the twins down, daring them to speak. Rhian looks a little confused, but Rafal appears unfazed and speaks first. "Can I talk to my brother alone for a minute? Thank you." He yanks Rhian along by the arm and pulls him to the side for a 'private' chat. Not so private for long. The Witch of the Woods Beyond doesn't do private chats. 

Isly is distracted, inspecting a plant I have never seen before. I take advantage of that and step into the shadow of the woods. Being incredibly careful as to not snap branches, I eavesdrop on the boys' conversation. 

Rafal is pacing, and he looks terrible. Well, I guess you can't look great if you've been in his situation, but still. And he was known for being a villain of style, too! Like, one of the most stylish villains of history! Of course, I win first place for that. He needs to get himself and his brother out of those tacky blue suits. Even though he looks kinda hot in it. No! Sophie, you are done with him. Back to the focus. 

Rhian speaks first. "Is something wrong, Rafal? I know that they're strangers, but they might be able to help us-" Rafal silences him with a single finger to his brother's lips. "They're too suspicious to be allies. Did you see that Sophie girl's face when she saw us? She looked like she recognized us, but we've never seen her before. And Isly is suspicious. She keeps looking around like she is searching for clues. It's odd. I don't trust them. Not one bit."

I suck in a deep breath silently. Rafal's words hurt, even if I was over him. No one likes their ex talking trash about them. Even if their ex doesn't remember them. 

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I almost scream. Isly turns me around, and I can breathe again. "Sophie, something is wrong with this place." She holds up a plant I have never seen before. "This plant is supposed to be extinct. I think..." She hesitates. 

"I think we've gone back in time."

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated recently. Also sorry for the short chapter.


Side note from Rafal himself:

You portray me correctly, I suppose. Also, Sophie, I never look "tacky". I can look good in anything. Especially dirt and grime.

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