Chapter 4

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I love this video. It has "theme songs" to some SGE ships. All the songs are incredibly accurate, and I love them! (I sometimes listen to this on loop for hours 😋)

Enjoy the story!

Sophie gasped. "B-back in time?" she stammered. Unfortunately, she did not remember that she was spying on someone. Two someones. And those someones had heard her. 

Rafal emerged from the bushes, and he was in a rage of fury. "You two were spying on us?" he accused. Sophie looked guilty, but she admitted, "I was, but Isly is innocent. She just showed me something shocking, is all." Rafal still looked furious. Rhian looked disappointed in the newcomers, but he didn't seem as mad as Rafal was. "And here I thought she was trustworthy," he muttered. Sophie replied, " I'm a Never, what did you expect from me?" Rafal sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, she's right," he said reluctantly. "I say we all figure out why the school is in ruins, why our students were attacked, and why you two are here." Isly said, "Four. There are two more of us, but they're in their tent." 

Agatha and Tedros stepped out of the trees, and Tedros grinned. "Actually, no, we're not. We saw you two leave your tent and we were curious. We heard everything. And could someone explain to me WHY THAT," Tedros pointed to Rafal, "IS ALIVE WHEN WE TOOK FOREVER TO KILL HIM?!" Rafal scoffed, then looked confused. "Kill? I've never met you in my life. And I've had a particularly long one, at that." Then Rafal's expression shifted to a mask of fury. "AND I'M NOT A 'THAT'!" Isly spoke up, "Okay, nobody freak out, but we've gone back in time. We don't want to tell anyone what happens in the future in case it changes the past." (I'm having Back to the Future flashbacks in my head 😋) Tedros looked shocked, and Agatha had an identical expression on her face. "Back in time? How? Why? Who-" Rhian cut her off. "Dark forces have to be playing a part in this. I've never heard of a time travel spell. Also, sorry for interrupting." He looked apologetic. Rafal elbowed his twin. "Rhian, man up and don't apologize for a change."

Sophie pointed out, " If we got taken back in time, and there are dark forces at play, then whoever transported us probably attacked the school." Agatha said, "I agree. We need to find whoever's behind this. My first suspect is that girl we met when we arrived. Something seemed off about her." Rhian asked, "What was this girl like? Was she a student, or a teacher?" Tedros replied, "She looked like Rafal, and I don't think she was a student or a teacher. The boy who led us to the school said she got there right after the attack ended and was helping everyone." Rhian thought for a moment, then turned to Rafal and said, "I don't have any white-haired students, do you?" Rafal said, "No, I was going to ask you the same. And there are no staff that have white hair, either. We don't know anyone it could be..." 

"So she really is a stranger," Isly said. "And I agree with Agatha. We should talk to her, especially since she isn't a student or teacher." Rafal nodded. Rhian thought for a moment, then spoke. "What if she is trying to take over the school?"

Everyone's faces fell, as if they had been thinking the exact same thing.


Isly, Agatha, Tedros, Sophie, Rhian, and Rafal made their way back to the medic station. They had a plan in place now. Rhian and Rafal would pretend to be unconscious still, then randomly "wake up". Then Isly, Agatha, Sophie, and Tedros would band together with the twin School Masters to interrogate Rafal's doppelgänger. Questions they had all agreed to ask included, "Who are you?" "Where did you come from?" "Are you Good or Evil?" and finally, "Did you recognize the School Masters?" It was a stupid plan, but it worked.

They began to put the plot into action. Rhian and Rafal returned to their healing station, and pretended to be unconscious. Agatha and Tedros returned to their tent, while Sophie and Isly went out to wake everyone, as it was dawn and the school won't get rebuilt by itself. 

At first, everything went smoothly. Sophie and Isly became close incredibly quickly, and they successfully roused the students and staff from slumber to work on the school's rebuilding. Agatha and got Tedros to help her at the healing station, but he wasn't good with blood, so she sent him over to help build. Rhian and Rafal had a "miraculous recovery" and "woke up". Rafal had actually taken a long nap most of the day, having gotten almost no sleep the night before. 

Soon the gang was together again, and they set off to find the white-haired girl from before. But she was nowhere to be found, and none of the teachers or students claimed to have found her. Rafal split off from the rest of the group, saying that he could find her himself.

Rafal pushed through the trees, scratches from thorny bushes magically healing, courtesy of the Storian. He reached a clearing, with a clear pool of water to the side. A figure sat in a nearby tree, gazing into the cool blue depths. Rafal stifled a gasp. It was the girl Agatha and Tedros had described. Her snow-white hair had a different texture than his own; hers was wavy and and wild, like Rhian's, while Rafal's was spiky and sleek. But other than that, Rafal and the girl had no differences. They shared identical faces, with cold blue eyes that had seen way too much. Eyes that gave away that they were older than they looked. 

"I found you! Who are you? How did you recognize me and my brother? How do you know who I am?"

The girl smiled calmly, as if she had been expecting him all along. "Good to know that you finally woke up. How is your brother, by the way?"

Rafal gritted his teeth. This girl acted as if they had known each other for years, even though they had met only moments before. 

"You didn't answer any of my questions."

"I never said I would. But either way, I suppose it's only right to introduce myself. I'm Rosalind," the girl said, sliding out of the tree. She held out her hand, and Rafal shook it hesitantly.

"That explains nothing."

Rosalind sighed. "Well, I suppose you want the blunt version, don't you? Alright, then."

Nothing could have prepared Rafal for the words that came next. 

"I'm from the future."

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