Part 5 - reflections

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                         Fallout - UNSECRET & neoni

• Recommend song:                         Fallout - UNSECRET & neoni

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"First of all...ow!"

After about like 4 minutes of me and Xavier, at this point, making out. we both pull away and laugh at the situation for some unknown reason.

"Well, now you know why I didn't get back with Bianca." He jokes.

"Pft- don't let her hear you say that-" I say while laughing my ass off.

However, I stopped laughing when I saw green magic going off in the field. I only saw it because xavier has his window open.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Ok, xavier stay here...I'll be right back." I say while going to walk away but he stops me.

"Hey, no. What's going on?" Xavier asks.

"Please just stay here..." I plead not wanting him to get hurt.

"What's going on Vera?"

"Im sorry." I say while running out of the room and running to the quad.

"Really? You just have to be so...what's the word? Hm...pathetic?" I say while looking to the person who has their back turned to me.

When the person turns around I'm met with my aunt freya.

"Awe come on Vera." She says while igniting lights around us.

Then I see xavier, Enid, Ajax, Wednesday, and thing run into the quad along with a shit ton of other students.

"No. Why are you here." I say.

"I talk..."

"Freya, I don't want to talk go away!" I say while my eyes flash red and veins form under my eye.

Her eyes flash green and a look of terror for what's about to happen is plastered on her face.

"Vera Mikael is back." She says while her eyes go back to normal.

"What? No...that's- that's not possible." I say while freya approaches me.

"Look we don't-"

"I'm quite alive thank you." I hear Mikael say from behind me.

The look on freya's face is enough to shoot terror down my spine.

"Ah how you've grown." He says while stepping closer to me.

I look over to xavier who looks terrified and confused.

"Who brought your sorry ass back to life, huh?" I say while he laughs.

"On the contrary." He says before I hear a crack.

I turn around and see freya laying motionless on the floor. And a second later all I could see was black.

Never mind [xavier thorpe]Where stories live. Discover now