They give you a nickname

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"Hey! Red head! Wait up" i called as i ran after her through the halls in the castle.

"No can do prince charming" she called and i laughed slightly as i walked beside her.

"Thats fair after i gave you a nick name" i said.

"Thank you" she said, looking proud of herself.

"But prince charming?" i asked and she shoved me before we both laughed.


I was playing with Toothless while Hiccup was drawing out a map. I may have gotten distracted and stopped listening to him.

"Hey, Dragon girl, are you listening?" Hiccup asked.

I stopped and looked at him.

"Sorry Dragon boy i was distracted" i said looking at Toothless.


I was outside with Sophie and Jamie watching them build a snow man. I then saw Jack and he came over.

"Hey snowflake" he said.

"What did you just call me?" i asked smiling at him.

"Hey, you gave me a nick name" he said.

"Oh yea, I forgot about that frosty. My bad" i said laughing slightly.


I was in the living room reading in silence. Well, it was silent till Rapunzel walked in. I smiled and looked up at her.

"Hey goldy locks" i said.

"Hello book worm" she said grinning to herself and i smiled too.

"Now its your turn to run" i said and she laughed but quickly ran.

"And no cheating with your hair!" i called.

"Aw!" she said and i laughed before running after her.

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