About season two... + a whole bunch of other stuff

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Hello everyone!

I'm here to discuss about season two and a bunch of other things that I'm doing soon.

More likely gonna copy this onto my conversations page but I would really appreciate it if you guy's would read with caution on here.

Its nothing to serious just a small update that I've been planning for a while.


Yes. Just to confirm right now. Season two is a green light but....

Its mostly likely gonna come out until next year and I have little to no idea what to write about it.

The first episode is in my head already. I'm just not sure how to execute it. (._.)

And I'm gonna be throwing in new characters and giving them personalities along with names...

Its a lot for me right now lol.

But this Story will go on hiatus for a short time. it will be back.


Yeah this is happening most likely tonight [USA Time] 

This book needs it  :/ like REALLY NEEDS IT.

[The name will change not the cover lol not to confuse anyone]

and I'll probably do the same to my other writings as well.


Here the part that's important.

Next year I'm going to push out a lot more stories with improved writing and better structure.

Are they gonna get started? Maybe! 

Are they gonna take a long time? Yes.

And this account is going through some changes,nothing too crucial.

And that's pretty much what I have to say for now. My break will be starting now. I will see you guys again new and improved!

 I will see you guys again new and improved!

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