"Boy you gotta stop playing games" Characters:Josephine,Cblu,Avery,Stella TW: Cussing and suggests physical violence 📍Bronx Mall,Bronx,Newyork ⏰9:45 pm Josephine Outfit:
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Avery outfit:
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_____________________________ Josephine POV "So you remember Stella"nah"bro the one that look like SpongeBob house and smell like a seafood boil"Yea I remember her"Tell me why she gone try to fight me" over what"cause her nigga liked me but I was like-"yo ma what's up with you"nothing Wassup wit you"yea I wasn't talkin to you I was talkin to her right here"he says pointing at me and mugging the girl infront of us"Nigga how old is you"right"I'm 16 how old is you"16"what's you name tho" "Josephine"aight I go by cblu but you gone give me you snap tho"Damn nigga you move fast"nah but I'm finna go that's why"aight it's" ________________________________ Song name:Playing games Song artist:Summer Walker Where the outfits from:SHEIN Where the shoes from: Jordan AN:SHES BACK and y'all better vote Oms Suggest by:ykihadtodoubleittt Word count:186 words