"Damn Damn"
TW: Cussing and suggests sexual content
Preview: "I'll give you like a 13"
Your POV
"Was good YouTube it's you boy Idris Majo we got these beautiful woman right here competing for these niggas these sugar hill Niggas yo was you name lil nigga"stop playing with me bro"was you name Nigga"Roscoe G"NIGGA WHAT YOU DOING HERE"he grabs the shirt of a curly haired boy the boy pushes him I couldn't help to notice how fine he is "nigga and you too" he goes down the boys and names them I look up too see the curly haired boy looking at me I look back cause what he looking at "so who think they can set the tone what about you what's your name"Kamalia"if these niggas ugly to you gotta let them know aight"aight"he takes me to a line of boys "yo no lie you kinda ugly imma give you a 6"I move on to the next"you a 8.5 no lie you cute or whatever you right here a 4"I finally get too the color haired boy "no lie you fine as hell I'm give you a 13 and my number"I take his phone and put my number in and save it under "wifey❤️"________________________________
15 minutes later
"See you fine too you broke me scale no lie"I'm jackin her I guess" after the video I get my shit before the boy taps me on the shoulder "you live in sugar hill right"Yea why"aight let me walk you home"AN:Kamila is 14 in this story and so is Dd and Ddot
Word count:296
Song artist:H.E.R
Song name:Could've been
Requested by:luvfools