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"you are my enemy you are no friend of mine motherfucker"

"Ok last question you ready"Yea"Whats one tbing you want to ask me but were scared to"Do you wanna get back together because I feel like we were right person wrong timing you get what im sayin"I freeze and stare at the ceiling my friend likes him but he's her ex too she dated him before me and her were even friends I got two options

1.Get Back together with Dd and betray my friend


2.Curve him and keep my friend

Imma choose number 2 everytime "D I can't my friend likes you and I can't do that to her"It's cool my turn to ask questions"

2 days later
3rd period :Life Science

"Lani"Yea"I don't wanna overstep but you know Dd datin Amaya"I stop what I'm doing and look at the girl sitting next to me as she follows my movements
"Forreal"Yeah they made it official yesterday"But he ju-nevermind are you sure"Here go the screenshots "

She pulls out her phone and sits it on the table and I look at the screenshot


I think we should make it official

Dd are u serious?


I look at the pictures and she looks at me "You didn't hear from me though"That bitch ass nigga a 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞"
I curve him out of loyalty and he gone fuck with my ex best friend

I look at him from across the room talking and joking with Ddot like he ain't a snake ass bitch that I should expose him but if I didn't like him why am I so upset about this shit?

Am I in the wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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