Chapter 85: Full Throttle VII

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"Denki? Denki?!" Neito yelled as went from running full speed to sliding on the ground to land at Denki's side, Hitoshi not far behind him.

"Oh, no," Denki groaned, blinking his eyes, and looking up at Neito.

"Oh no what? What's wrong?" Neito fretted, eyes scanning over Denki as his hands patted over him, searching for any injuries.

"Either I'm dead, and I look like a total idiot to Isozan right now, or I'm alive and have a lot of explaining to do," Denki said with a dramatic whine. "I think I'm alive because I'm so tired, Neito, and you both look so stressed," Denki said, looking back and forth between Neito and Hitoshi. "If it was Heaven, I think you'd both be happy all the time. Or at least the fake images of you they'd give me to shut me up until you actually joined me."

Neito smiled sweetly. "Oh, Denki. I'm not going to make it to Heaven."

"Nei..." Hitoshi warned.

"Because I'm going to fucking kill you! Come here!"

Denki yelped, rolled away laughing, and made a clumsy, stumbling run for it.

"Then I'll just have to petition to get myself sent to Hell, too! Wherever you go, I follow!" Denki yelled without looking back, not risking slowing down any.

It didn't matter. He was too tired, and Neito had excess adrenaline from when he thought that Denki had fucking died right in front of him, so he was promptly tackled and pinned to the ground.

Denki laughed, heaved, and squirmed, kicking out his feet to no avail as Neito remained steady hovering above him, sitting atop Denki like his rightful place on a throne, breathing slightly labored from the short exertion. Denki's laughter caught in his throat when he saw the intensity in Neito's eyes.

"Caught you now, soulmate," Neito whispered before ducking his head down and meeting Denki's lips with his own.

And Denki responded beautifully, like he always did, eyes closing automatically, taking short little breaths in every time their lips parted before Neito would dive back down again as if he was trying to breathe in the very essence of Neito himself. Absolutely addictive.

Neito's hands trailed down Denki's arms and torso to rest lightly against his ribcage, to feel it rise and fall as Denki took short little inhales and exhales against Neito's lips. With his hands now free, Denki wrapped one hand around the back of Neito's head, hand threading through dusty, platinum strands, allowing the other hand to travel up and down Neito's back, tracing patterns with his fingertips to send shivers wracking down Neito's spine.

"Take it off!" whooped Full Throttle as he approached, Hitoshi having gone to retrieve him.

Neito froze, face centimeters above Denki's, eyes wide with incredulous shock, staring down at Denki who had amusement dancing in his eyes and was barely containing his laughter.

Neito sat back up straight and glared at Full Throttle, who recoiled, thinking that maybe he should have gone about breaking the ice a different way.

"Don't give me that look!" Full Throttle groaned. "Denki propositioned me, first!"

"You what?!" Neito shrieked looking back down at Denki in surprised horror.

"It wasn't like that! I was pretending to be Toga!" was Denki's defense.

"... What?" Hitoshi asked, voicing Neito's thoughts exactly.

"It's harder than it looks! To throw Isozan off from thinking that I was actually me before we got to Tartarus, I was all like, 'hey, wanna fuck?'"

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