Chapter 5: Deal

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Chapter 5

Raymon's POV

"Seriously?" I muttered repeatedly.

How many years has it been since their fling ended? Yeah my point exactly.

My body felt frozen. Damn it's cold here. I took a seat on the park bench pulling out my phone. I'm pretty sure this park was closed, but I would rather get arrested for trespassing than be in my apartment right now. The fountain in front of me shot out in the air dancing with the lights. Pretty I guess. I looked at the screen of my iPhone 6 and laughed, Thirteen missed calls and twenty-six text messages. I shoved the phone back in my coat pocket leaving my hands in for warmth. New York was absolutely on my list for places to not live now, actually anywhere where I can see my breath is as well. I shook my head thinking of the shower moment again. I can't believe this bullshit.

I turned my head as I heard the light patter of feet. Now before you guys make fun of me just read this carefully and imagine this moment in slow motion as you think of what you're own reaction would be. I slid over on my bench screaming as a big ass tiger came running at me. Okay Okay now I know screaming makes me look like a pussy and that you'd probably die laughing if you saw my face, but please just remember there was a tiger. A fucking tiger in a park in the middle of fucking New York.

I froze as it jumped up on the bench moving closer to me slowly, he settled down rolling over on his back with his head on my lap. Simmi, it was a full grown Simmi.

He growled as he wiggled, he always did that if you didn't pet him.

"Boy have you got big" I told him as I stroked his fur.

"Simmi! Down now!"

Simmi quickly obeyed his owners command running to her side. Damn he got big. I looked up looking at Lyina. Her hands were tucked in her coat and pink tam sat on her curls. Beautiful, she was just beautiful.

"I'm sorry about that, I thought the park was closed" she apologized.

I shook my head. "No I'm in the wrong here. The park is closed."

She nodded breathing out. "Oh."

She then turned around getting ready to walk off.

"Lyina wait"

She paused turning around looking at me.

"Come on it's been years" I started.


I missed her coldness at times.

"Tell me how you've been."

She chuckled. It wasn't a regular chuckle though. It was that are you kidding me chuckle.

"Come on!"

She turned on her heals walking over to me. I watched her as she took the seat next to me.

"Okay let's make this quick then" she said licking her lips.

"Congrats on the engagement" I said pointing to her ring. It was quite big.

She looked at me as if I were demented. "Thank you."

"So... what happened to dance?"

She breathed out shuffling her hands in her pocket more. "I woke up from my dream, and kissed reality."

"Dancing wasn't just your dream, it was your reality."

She patted her lap waiting for Simmi to place his head. "Good boy keep mommy warm" she cooed.

"Who is Lyina without dancing exactly?"

She chuckled. " For one you don't know me Raymen."

"I don't know you?" What is she crazy of course I know her.

"You don't me Raymen. You knew me, yes. But you don't know who I am today."

"So allow me to know you then Lyina" I told her.

She laughed again before standing up. "You'll never get that privilege again."

I watched her as she walked away, Simmi trotting behind her. God was she even real?

She was gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. I missed her. I don't like admitting to it but I do, I miss her. She was my first love. She'll always have a place in my heart, but at this moment Watching her walk away, hips swaying. It made me realize. I want her. I've always wanted her and I've never stopped. Yes she fucked up while we were younger, but hey everyone makes mistakes.

I opened the door to my apartment to find Charlotte sitting on the couch. Her nose was red and her cheeks were puffy. She wiped the tears from her eyes looking at me.

"Did you realize?" I asked her.

She froze looking at me before shaking her head yes.

"How many years has it been?" I asked.

"Raymen I know what you're thinking but it's not true. I love you Raymen and only you" she cried.

"Come on cut the act" I said while taking a seat next to her. "You still want him."

"No Raymen" she cried.

"You do and it's okay" I told her. "You want him and you know what? You'll be able to have him."

"Raymen stop" She looked mad. "Just stop okay."

I laughed. "I'm not mad you know."

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm not mad" I repeated. I moved the tissues over moving closer to her. She shook a little as I inched from her face. I ran my hand through her hair kissing her cheek. "I'm not mad because we're going to help each other Char."

She pulled back looking at me like I was crazy. I'm kind of tired of that look. I rested back on the couch resting my head back.

"I realized today that I don't want you either Char."

Her eyebrows furrowed , taken back from my words. I just smiled at her, she looked cute.

"I want Lyina."

She raised her eyebrows at me shaking her head.

"And you want Tony."

She looked at me as if it weren't true and I laughed.

"We're going to get them back."

She sat back crossing her arms. I let her take it all in. I mean sure I sound crazy,but one thing I can never forget... Charlotte is the actual definition of crazy. It wasn't long before a smile broke her lips. "Deal."


Okay okay I'm sorry for the long wait. I seriously apologize. But vote and comment. love you guys


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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