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Beck was sitting in his desk chair bent over the desk, scribbling something down.

Homework from one of his classes I assume.

"Hey, Vampire and Vampire's boyfriend, we're getting dinner, what do you want?" Chris asked as he barged into Beck's room.

"He's not my boyfriend," Beck started. "And start fucking knocking, you don't live here!" He huffed.

Chris only rolled his eyes. "Food,"

"Where from?" I asked.

"Chinese," Chris answered.

"I want some sweet and sour chicken. And an egg roll." I spoke.

"Whatever he has," Beck shrugged, nodding at me. "Now get out,"

Chris scoffed, closing the door again.

"You're so rude," I spoke.

"And you're obnoxious." He countered.

"You love it," I shrugged.

Butterflies filled my stomach at his hum.

Beck is...Beck.

It's really hard to understand his vague answers and non-verbal responses.

He wasn't like them when we were kids.

He used to smile, he was outgoing, had all kinds of friends.

He also beat the shit out of people who picked on me. Which is what caused this crush to form.

That crush turned into love somewhere between fifth grade and now.

Sixth grade was when everything changed.

He and I barely spoke by then but I knew that his mother had died toward the beginning of second quarter. He missed a couple weeks of school and when he came back he was more solitary than he was at the beginning of the year.

His usual shy smile and wave was replaced with a nod when we saw each other.

And then he'd just look at me.

And then he wouldn't even acknowledge that I existed.

I know he didn't really like me getting popular, he really didn't care for the people I started to hang around. But it still hurt me when he just abandoned me. Even if we had drifted a lot.

I think he actively started to avoid me after a while. Especially after his father died the following month just before Christmas.


The people I hung around made jokes about it. Said Beck being the way he was is what caused it.

I told them to stop and they ignored me which led to me drifting out of their friend groups and into others.

Beck wouldn't acknowledge me though when I'd try to speak. I think he thought I was part of it all though. I wouldn't have ever said some of those things though, I knew his parents when I was little, they treated me better than my actual parents did.

"Earth to Joey," Beck spoke, snapping his fingers in my face.

"Huh? Sorry," I mumbled sheepishly.

He rolled his eyes. "Move over." He commanded.

I obeyed him, scooting over so he could lay with me.

"Finished with your work?" I smiled.

He hummed.

I moved around, laying my head on his chest.

He made a little noise, grumbling about me touching him. He didn't make me move though, instead he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

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