Am I actually in the comic?

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Jugyeong's POV:

I close my eyes only to immediately open them and find myself in front of an unknown school building. Their campus seems bigger than mine and the atmosphere seems a bit unrealistic- unrealistic in the sense that everything looks too much perfect, the students have dressed up like adults. I hear a group of girls gossiping behind me. No no. Simping behind me, over some A3 boys. The name sounds known to me. On further observation, the campus seems to be unknowingly known to me. The uniform I was wearing also reminds me of something. 

"Baek Kyung", "Namjoo"- I hear girls shouting out the names. Everything seems wrong now. Did I get inside the comic or what? I laugh at my thoughts. Its clearly not possible. I look at the direction of the cheering and go to the basketball ground. What I saw next shocked me even more. Spotlights were above the two boys. I have to admit that both the guys were good looking but who the hell has put spotlight over them in the broad daylight that too on the road. I was about to ask one of the girls over there when-----

I am on the corridor. How the hell did I come here? I really want to cry. Am I sick? Is it all hallucinations? Too much trauma? Just then everyone moves to the sides of the corridors making a path for someone. I go with the flow. Three guys walk in like models and it seems all the girls are gonna faint. I remember Han Seojun. Girls crazy behind him used to behave in the same way. 

A girl comes running from the opposite direction and the epic first meet scene takes place. Rose petals fall over them and I hear a romantic music in the background. Is it for real? I want to laugh out loud but I feel my face is frozen. Another girl comes up to take a stand for the first one. She has wings too. The scenarios are epic. Its mush be Eun Dan Oh. 

Shit! She actually is. Has my dream not ended? I had heard from Gowoon about a drama where a girl enters the comic world. Was that book based on real life experience? My brother, Suho, Seojun, Soojin where are you guys? Someone come up and help me. I suddenly feel free to move again and rush to the library, crazily searching for the comic book. Its almost break time now. I hear the bell. I am hungry, my stomach grumbles. Leave it, getting the book is more important. And then-

I am in the art class. Everyone is drawing. I am blank. What to draw? Behind me I hear Danoh referring to someone as Do hwa. Lee Do hwa- my second lead. I turn around my head to see his angelic face. He looked so much better than Namjoo. Why the hell did Juda choose Namjoo over him? Go to hell writer.

"Everyone submit your painting." Shit I was sitting idle just now. I take a glance at my canvas and- How is such a beautiful little girl drawn over it?

 I smirk. In case I am actually trapped in the book, being in a novel is not bad. I don't have to study. All my classwork and exams would be managed by the writer. I don't need to hurry, if I am needed somewhere I shall be there automatically. That sounds good. The bells rings and I rush to the library once again, in case I enter another scene once again. I have to find the comic this time. I see someone else is also in the library now.

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