The Dragons Journey begins

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Ryu has been Flying for a couple days after leaving the pit he went to the closest city to sell the obsidian he got from Sear's cave selling it for 500 gold coins Ryu feels he may of got ripped off but he isn't sure.

[so I did research on how much obsidian is worth and for about 1000kilograms of obsidian should be about 500 British sterling so that's what I'm going off and wasn't sure if the underworld had its own currency and couldn't find anything so just going generic and saying gold coins]

After getting the gold Ryu went and bought some essentials New cloths, a back pack, some food and water, a tent and sleeping bag and some books to pass time. Ryu then headed off towards the Badlands an abandoned land in the underworld that no one goes to this is were the war was mainly fought. It is thought that it is unlucky to go there as its seen as a battle field and nothing more although it has become a tradition for young devils to come stay out there almost like a test of courage. Ryu wasn't all that concerned as if there was anyone or anything out there he was confident he could beat them.

After reaching the edge of the Badlands Ryu flew for a couple of days hoping to find and old building that hadn't fallen during the great war after 3 days with no building in sight Ryu was about to give up when in the distance he saw what seemed to be a small cottage, after getting closer to it Ryu used is ability to sense life which he dubbed Life sight which after getting turned into a dragon got the upgrade of also being able to distinguish peoples different races. It sorta reminded him of his sisters unique ability to gauge a persons strengths which was dubbed power scaling.

Having scanned the cottage he found no life signs having confirmed that no one was around Ryu became hopeful that this cottage would be where he could stay for a couple of years while he is training. Going to open the door Ryu grabs the handle and slowly pushes the door open taking a look inside the first thing he could see was a sofa and table facing a fireplace there were pictures on the walls and pots with dead plants inside after not being watered for a thousand years or so. the pictures were coved in dust put you could see a faint glimpse of 4 figures. Going up to one of them and blowing the dust off you could see the 4 figures the first was a man in his late 40's with shoulder length blonde hair with a well kept beard next to him was what Ryu assumed to be his wife who had long black hair going down her back, she seemed to be in her late 30's she had porcelain white skin and was a head shorter then her husband, in front of the two where two children the first seeming to be the older of the two at what looked to be about a 9 year old boy had short blonde hair and has hugging who Ryu assumed to be his little sister who looked to be about 5 and she had a mixture of her parents hair with black on top with blonde tips [no she isn't related to Azazel] she was wore a pair of circular glasses making her look very smart.

Gazing at the girl Ryu whispered "I hope your big brother was able to protect you" putting the picture down Ryu look into what appeared to be a living room see at the back behind the sofa there was a dinning table with four chairs around it looking at the wall on the other side behind the table Ryu saw a window which showed the kitchen with a door to the left of it. Deciding to put the food and drink in to the kitchen Ryu walked through the door, upon entering the kitchen Ryu saw that every think was covered in dust just like the living room. the kitchen was much to look at a simple wood burner some shelves a basic sink and a small fridge, it seemed this family didn't have much money or preferred the simple things in life.

Ryu walked the the kitchen to see another door on the back walk Ryu walked over to it open it to revel a hall way with three doors one at the end of the hall and one on each side going to the first door on the left Ryu opens it to revel a bathroom with a medium sized bath, a sink and a toilet above the sink was what looked like a bathroom cabinet with a mirror . Going over and opening it Ryu sees different pill bottles picking one up he reads the label that says "prescribed to Roland McCarthy" putting the bottle back and closing the cabinet Ryu thought "so the McCarthy family lived here I hope they don't mind me stay for a while". After that Ryu leaves the bathroom and goes to the adjacent door, upon opening it Ryu sees two beds on each side of the room with the left side of the room being purple and the right side being blue, there were toys scattered around on the floor some being dolls and others being what Ryu would guess is what cars were speculated to look like back in does days. Leaving the children's room Ryu went to the door at the end of the hall way having realized this is the master bedroom opening the door Ryu was surprised to see a very large room bigger then the living room to the left was a queen size bed with bedside tables on each side, on the right side of the room was a wardrobe with when looked in had a load of dresses, shoes and coats Ryu guessed this is were all there money went. on the side of the room adjacent to the door was a desk used to write letters at on the left side of it was a glass panel door that's been boarded up probably during the war.

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