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I cover my ears from his voice. He stopped for a second and took a deep breath. "I am sorry for yellin but why was he there? We all know that he was trouble the first he saw him." He said with a sigh. " He wanted to talk to me but didn't have a chance because Johnny, Ponyboy, and I won't let him. I didn't want to see his face so I told him to leave and never come to the DX again." I told him. He sighed once more. "Alright, at least you stood up for yourself and talked back to him." The rest of the way home was silent until he spoke again. "So, what's with you and Johnny?" I gave him a confused look "What do you mean?" I asked "I mean when I got to the Curtis house to see if you were there, which you were, I found you asleep on Johnny's lap. He was asleep too I think." he finished with a smirk on his face. I blushed and looked away. "You know Johnny is my best friend and he lets me lay on his lap when someone or something is bothering me. Somehow it helps a lot." I say with a little irritation because I know he is just teasing me. When we got out of the car we saw someone we never wanted to see again. Our "dad". walked up to us. Michael put me behind him. "Michael, Alizabeth. You both are coming home with me." He said in disgust. "Over my dead body! We will never go home with you!" I shouted, that got on his nerves.

"Yes, you are, if you like it or not!" He was about to hit me until Michael caught his wrist and told him to leave before he calls the fuzz. He did. We walked into the house and saw Smokey and Chris. Smokey is my dog and Chris is our kid brother. Chris ran up to me to give me a hug. Smokey just got excited and spun around or just around Michael. Chris and I started to laugh because Michael was making a funny face at Smokey while he was spinning. A little while later Michael made dinner. While he was making dinner. Chris and I hear a knock on the door. I looked through the door hole and saw that it was our old man again. I rolled my eye and said, "The old man is here, Can I call the fuzz?" I asked "Huh?" he said with a confused look and smile. He looked out the window and saw her. "No, but you can if he doesn't leave." I look at him " and said "Ok."

2 hours later
*Knock* *Knock* Why can't he just leave we have to go to the Curtis house in a few minutes! I thought to myself. Then suddenly we hear the police banging. "Sir! You have to open up you have kidnapped two kids!!" I gave them the most confusing looks ever. "What?" I say in the most confused voice that I have ever made. " They are my brothers," I say to the officers. "I am sorry miss but you and the kid are coming with me." The officer said as he tries to grab my arm. "We will go nowhere with you!" I am staying with my brother and Chris is staying with me." I say being so stubborn. After that, they knew it was no use because they know I have the longest record for a woman and if I have a gun I will never be afraid to use it. So they left. After that, we walked to the Curtis household. When we walked inside the house questions started coming at me like a rainstorm. "Woah! Calm down! One at a time! I can't answer at the same time!" I say irritated. "Are you ok?!" "We heard what happened?!" "Did they do anything to you or Chris?!" They all yell at the same time. " I am fine. Nothing happened. They can't do anything to me," I tell them. The rest of the night we talked and did some games and stuff. Johnny seemed quiet during most of it. "You ok, JohnnyCake?" I ask in concern "You have been really quiet." He hesitated for a minute. "N-nothing. Just don't want to talk. " I sat there in silence before I got up and kissed his cheek. Everyone stared. "I will be outside if you need me. I am going to spend some time with Smokey." As I walked out I saw Johnny freeze and blush. I walked outside and sat down next to Smokey who was in his 'stand guard position'. Johnny came outside not long after I sat down. "Hey, Beth mind if I talk to ya for a moment?" Johnny asked. I wonder what he wanted to talk about. "I don't mind. What's on your mind, JohnnyCake?" I ask as I take my gaze from the stars. "What was that kiss for?" He asked. I was stunned. "I-uh...Let's just say it felt right. I don't know why but it did," I say almost red as a tomato, but thankfully he couldn't see it because it was dark. I could tell he was blushing too. "I think I have feelings for you." I hear from Johnny. "I think I have for a while now." I am so speechless, but the more I think about it I think I have feelings for him too. "Me too," I sayanin a whisper but loud enough that he could hear me. "R-really?" He said in shock. "Yea for a while now. I didn't know it until I thought about it and actually considered it.." I say. When I turned to him he kissed me on the lips! I was so shocked. I did kiss back. A few moments later we hear the boys cheering and running outside and congratulating both of me and Johnny. I giggle and catch Johnny laughing while Two-bit is trying to tackle him. Dally congratulated both of us and said "You better take good care of her JohnnyCake." Johnny nodded "Of course." The rest of the night Johnny and I just cuddled. I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up I was on Johnny's chest with his hand on my waist making sure I didn't fall off of him. I got up and made sure I didn't wake him up. I walk to the kitchen and make breakfast for everyone. I accidentally made extras because I thought everyone stayed at the Curtis House, but not everyone did. Steve, Michael, Chris, and Two-bit left! After I put the plates on the table Johnny came in with his sleepy self. "Good mornin JohnnyCake. How'd you sleep?" I ask him. He didn't answer he just hugged me from behind. I am goin to have to get used to that. I giggle at his sleepiness. He didn't go to bed long after I did. I think He stayed up late. I let him do it for a while. I was sitting with him and Chris out of nowhere runs up to us and said "Hey how'd y'all sleep? He didn't do anything ya did he Beth?" In a teasing way. I blushed but pushed him playfully. Johnny was confused and shocked. I was so adorable by both of them. After that Johnny and I decided that we would take Chris and Pony to the park. And we kept getting comments that we looked like an adorable family, even tho Johnny was my boyfriend and Chris was my brother

A Greaser's Golden Heart (a Johnny Cade fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now