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Vinnie's Pov.

As I held her in my arms I couldn't help but think,

I love her, I really do.

But I couldn't say it to her face yet, what if she doesn't feel the same way.

What if it's too soon. What if..it's not real.

Hell, this could all be a fucking dream.

But it's not, right?

I can't think about that right now.

Just focus on her, not your own goddamn feelings for once, Vincent.

I continue to calm her down, she's still stressing out, over what?

Is it me? Is it Vera? Her friends?

God knows what, but I'm not going to push her into confessing what is on her mind.

It's her choice, and if she doesn't want to come clean immediately, that's okay.

"Vin." She says as her eyes becoming watery.

"Yes?" I say pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I-" She says immediately looking down.

"What is it, princess?" I say lifting her chin up with my fingertips.

She stays silent for a few moments before she parts her lips signaling she wants to say something.

A tear falls down her cheek and onto her chin before I wipe it off with my thumb.

She looks into my eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I can't do it, not first!" She says as her voice cracks.

"Do what?" I ask confused.

She sniffles quietly as tears drop onto her shirt.

"I should've said..I can't say it first." She replies.

I knew exactly what she wanted to say, but her fear of rejection stopped her.

She has been rejected time after time, she didn't want me to reject her.

But I wasn't going to, but she didn't know that.

For all she knew, I could've walked out on her.

I tighten my grip slightly.

"Valerie," I start taking a deep breath before finishing.

"I love you." I finish taking the first step.

She looks at me as her eyes widen.

"I l-love you, too." She stutters before I connect our lips closing the space between us.

Her hands almost instantly flung around my neck and my hands around her waist.

We slowly pull away and I hold her tight.

Her head rests on my chest as I stroke her hair.

She runs her fingers up and down the center of my torso sending chills down my spine.

We laid there for what felt like hours, until she peacefully fell asleep.

I love her so fucking much.


Valerie's Pov.

My eyes flutter open and I see that Vinnie is still laying there, stroking my hair, while on his phone.

A wiggle a little and he looks over at me and smiles.

"Hey, beautiful." He says placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Hi." I say snuggling my head into his neck.

He places his phone onto the nightstand beside him and pushes strands of hair behind my ear.

"I'm hungry." I say moving my head from his neck to his chest.

"Get food then." He says sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up. Get me food." I say removing myself from his grasp.

"Oh shit, my mom doesn't know! Fuck, fuck!" I say realizing Vinnie slept over, again.

"She won't fucking buy the 'he fell asleep watching a movie' shit again. She's gonna know something's up!" I say scrambling out of bed.

"What are we gonna do?" I say pulling my hair slightly.

"Come clean..?" He says the obvious.

"If this backfires, it's your mess to clean." I say rolling my eyes.

"Fine." He says before we walk downstairs.

My heart is racing and there's a pit in my stomach.

Why am I so scared?

She likes Vinnie, she's been waiting for us to get along.

But I doubt she meant this along.

She for sure didn't expect us to fall in love.

I stop at the last step contemplating if I should just send him through my window or not.

No, Valerie. Do the right thing, come clean.

"Valerie, come on." He whispers, taking my hand.

I sigh and follow him, well..he drags me.

Before we enter the room my family is located he lets go and follows behind me, instead of in front.

I nervously step into the kitchen and take a deep breath as Vinnie walks in.

No going back now.

"Why is he here, again?" My mom asks sternly.

"Mom, about that," I start taking a deep breath.

"We're t-talking." I somehow get out, stuttering along the way.

"Talking? When? How long? What the fuck." She chokes on her orange juice.

"Around..a month." I mumble.

"A month?!" She yells.

"Valerie, you have to tell me things!" She says.

"You're not the easiest person to talk to.." I say crossing my arms.

"Vera, baby. Did you know?" She says turning her attention to my twin sister, Veralyn.

"Yes.." She mumbles scared of punishment.

"So I was completely oblivious, while everyone else knows?" She says clenching her jaw back at me.

I nod slowly.

"Valerie, I don't have a problem with it, but you have to communicate." She says calming down.

"Mom, I'm 18. I don't need you watching over me like a hawk." I say slightly pissed.

She looked over at Macie and laughed.

Macie sat quiet the entire time, watching her YouTube, I don't think she payed any attention to the situation.

"Alright, you're free from my wrath." She says shooing us with our hands.

Vinnie stood at the doorway so awkwardly, scared to say anything.

Once we make it out of the kitchen we turn towards each other.

I smile as he lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his torso and I rest my head on his shoulder.

He carries me to my bedroom and throws me onto my bed.

"Ow!" I say sarcastically.

"You're on a bed, that didn't hurt." He says as he laughs.

I roll my eyes and he climbs onto the bed and hovers over me.


Imagine being left on a cliffhanger LMAO.

I love y'all though!! <3

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