Chapter 20

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© Myranda Rae 2023. All Rights Reserved.


I'm not sure how much time passes while we hold each other but eventually, the walls start to talk. It's difficult to put into words how startling that is when you're not used to it.

Ronan sits up and grumbles under his breath.

"I am being called to the northern city." He holds his hand out to me, pulling my aching body from the bed.

"Was there another accident?"

"No. Emotional turmoil is causing a spectacle." He sighs, clearly annoyed. "Olexa will return within the hour. I will sort the issue and return as quickly as possible."

"O-Ok..." I don't know why I feel nervous and fluttery. Clingy is not a word I would have ever used to describe myself but I'm feeling very needy. I don't want him to leave for an undetermined amount of time so quickly after last night. I still have so many questions.

Swallowing down my emotions, I plaster on a fake smile. "Have a safe journey."

"When I return, I will come directly to you, day or night. Is that acceptable?" His heavy hand rests on my shoulder.


"This pleases me," he nods before walking away.

As soon as the door is closed I slide slowly down to the floor. I want to find Clarisse and Santi but I'm going to need to do some serious stretches if I'm going to be able to walk more than a few steps. My muscles ache as I spread them over the floor and reach for my toes. Each second that passes holding my body in a deep stretch, I feel myself loosening up.

In the silence of the room, I lose myself in thoughts.

I had sex with an alien last night...

His words come flooding back to me. My heart beats in time with yours. What does that even mean? And more importantly, does he say that to everyone he sleeps with...

Tucking my feet into a butterfly stretch I'm suddenly struck with a realization that almost knocks me over.

"Oh my god!" My hand claps over my mouth.

He served me food this morning... he put fruit on a plate and brought it to me in bed.

"Ok, ok, ok calm down," I hold my hands up, talking to myself. "Don't read too much into that. We told him that it was normal and not romantic. He was just being polite."

Wow. One night together and I'm an absolute mess! All I need is a notebook to write Mrs. Ronan Commander all over and I'm right back to junior high.

Scraping myself off the floor, I take a shower to further relax my body. When I step out, Clarisse is sprawled across the bed. I cringe at the thought of what she might be lying in...

"You missed breakfast this morning," she tilts her head. That's it... no question. Just the statement left hanging in the air.

"I did."

"Is it because you spent the morning vögeln?"

"I don't know what that means but no, I didn't spend the morning doing that." My face is on fire. I know I'm as red as a tomato.

"I can't believe you're not going to share the details with me..." she pouts.

"It was wonderful and I'm sore and confused." I cover my face with my pillow.

She perks up. "I knew it would be... there's just no way they walk around all perfect like that and don't know what they're doing in bed! Why are you confused?" The smile drops from her face and she gets serious.

Callisto: Bound to the Alien Commander |18+Where stories live. Discover now