chapter 3

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*Four months later*

Hailee and Y/N are sitting at the beach watching the sunset. Y/N is sitting in between Hailee's legs resting her back against Hailee's front and Hailee has her arms wrapped around Y/N and is resting her hands on Y/N's stomach. What Y/N doesn't know is both of their families are also there because Hailee is about to propose.

"I don't want this night to end."Y/N says and sighs happily and Hailee smiles and kisses Y/N's head.

"Theres only one thing I would change right now."Hailee says

"What?"Y/N asks and Hailee stands up pulling Y/N up with her. When Y/N is standing Hailee gets down on one knee and pulls out the ring she bought a few months ago and Y/N starts crying.

"Baby I love you more than anything in this universe. There is no one else in this world that can take me away from you. When I'm with you everything disappears and it's only you and me. So Y/N Y/M/N Jauregui will you marry me."Hailee says

"Yes yes yes."Y/N says and Hailee smiles and puts the ring on Y/N then pulls Y/N into a kiss and everyone cheers and comes out of their hiding spots and Hailee and Y/N pulls apart and let everyone there hug them.

"Congratulations Little sis."Lauren says

"Thanks. I always thought that you would get married before me."Y/N says

"Tell that to Dove."Lauren says

"I heard that and I promise I'm working on it."Dove says and kisses Lauren's head and Lauren smiles.

The next day Hailee is getting ready to go back to New York to film Hawkeye.

"I don't want you to go."Y/N says pouting

"I know baby but I have to."Hailee says and climbs into their bed laying down by Y/N facing her and she puts her hand on Y/Ns hip and pulls her closer to where their nose are touching.

"How long are you going to be gone?"Y/N asks

"Four or five months."Hailee says and Y/N tears up.

"That's too long."Y/N says

"I know baby I'm sorry but if I get a break I'll fly back here or fly you out to me."Hailee says and Y/N nods. Haile leans in and kisses Y/N but gets confused when Y/N doesn't kiss back.

"You don't get no kisses since you're leaving me."Y/N says pouting and Hailee laughs.

"Baby give me a kiss."Hailee says

"No."Y/N says

"Okay you asked for it."Hailee says then start tickling Y/N and Y/N tries to push Hailee's hands away while laughing but fails

"Okay I'll give you a kiss."Y/N says and Hailee stops. Y/N gets on top of Hailee and sits in her waist. Hailee looks up at her smiling and puts her hands on Y/N's hips. Y/N leans down and kisses Hailee and Hailee kisses back harder. It starts to get heated and Hailee flips them over and shoves her tongue into Y/N's mouth.

After three rounds they get dressed and Y/N drives Hailee to the airport and sits with her until her flight is called.

"I'll be back before you know it."Hailee says

"I love you."Y/N says

"I love you too baby."Hailee says and kisses Y/N hard but slow. When they pull away they both have teary eyes and they both laugh about it. Hailee kisses Y/N one last time before she walks to her plane.

When Y/N gets back home she lays in their bed cuddling Martini and falls asleep. A few hours Y/N wakes up to her phone ringing she looks at the contact sewing it's Hailee wanting to FaceTime and she smiles and answers it.

"Hey baby."Y/N says excitedly

"Hey baby girl."Hailee says smiling

"How was your flight?"Y/N asks

"Good I slept the whole time."Hailee says and Y/N smiles

"How is Florence and them doing?"Y/N asks

"Good Flo is staying the hotel next to mine and Jeremy is in the room next to Flo's."Hailee says

"That's cool."Y/N says

"It would be even more cool if you were here with me."Hailee says pouting and lays down in her hotel bed.

"I know I miss you."Y/N says pouting

"I miss you too."Hailee says

After talking for a few more minutes Y/N starts to fall asleep.

"Baby go to sleep."Hailee says

"No because you will hang up."Y/N says

"No I won't I promise. Plus I'm about to get a shower and go to bed myself."Hailee says

"Promise you won't hang up."Y/N says

"I promise baby now go to sleep."Hailee says sternly

"I love you."Y/N says

"I love you too."Hailee says then mutes her phone so she doesn't wake Y/N up when she takes a shower.

The next morning Y/N wakes up to see Hailee walking around her trailer in her Kate Bishop outfit. Hailee turns around when she hears Y/N yawn.

"Good morning baby."Hailee says smiling and picks up her phone.

"Good morning you could've hung up."Y/N says

"I promise I wouldn't so I didn't."Hailee says and Y/N smiles.

After talking for a but Hailee has to get back to set so Hailee hangs up and leaves. Y/N gets up and gets dressed then heads to the mall since she doesn't have anything better to do.

While walking around Y/N sees Dove and Lauren and walks over to them.

"Hey guys."Y/N says

"Hey Y/N."Dove says smiling and Lauren rolls her eyes

"Woah what's up your ass?"Y/N asks laughing

"She's on shark week."Dove says

"And we're on a date."Lauren says

"Damn okay I'm sorry."Y/N says and Dove laughs

"You're fine."Dove says.

After telling then bye Y/N heads back home.

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