Chapter ~ 1

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'OPEN ON 40' A guard named Brad Bellick yelled so the my cell door opened, he roughly pushed me in while grabbing my ass while smirking

i turn around and give him a disgusted look and back around to check out the cell but what catches my eye first makes my lips curl into a smile and also confusion in my eyes

'Michael?' i say as i walk a bit closer to him and not realising there was another cellmate who was clearly also confused

'Ashley?' Michael asks confused 'What are you doing in here?'

'i did bad things Mikey..' i say while looking down but then back up when i see the other cellmate looking back at me and Michael

'Oh yeah right...Sucre this is my Sister-In-Law' Michael says while smiling and i hold up my hand for the other cellmate called Sucre to shake back. Which he did ofcourse

i looked him up and down and he was a good lucking guy with a decent smooth bald head with a fitting white tank top and blue pants

'S-Sister-In-Law?' Sucre stutters..and i chuckle 'Yes, Nice to meet you...Im Ashley Burrows' i grin while he stares at Michael and then at me

'I-Im Fernando Sucre. but everyone calls me Sucre' he says while smiling. i smile in return

'Ashley tell me the truth, Please tell me that was not you in the news?' Michael frowns as he takes a step towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder

i looked down knowing he would be disappointed, He put his finger under my chin and pulls my head up to look at him

'Why..why did you try to kill her' Michael says as he stares in my eyes. 'i have a feeling she framed Lincoln okay?!' i slightly yell as my eyes start to tear up and look down again closing my eyes.

'I-Im sorry' i say as i hug Michael sniffing a little. i let go of him and rub my eyes looking at his blue orbs as eyes

'You can take my bed if you want' Michael smiles at me but i shake my head 'No, you can have it. i dont or well barely sleep at night because of my insomnia' i smile 'But thank you'

'Its gonna be tier time soon, stay with me and Sucre all the time. Dont get out of my sight' He stares at me. i slowly nod

'TIER TIME' A guard yells and all the doors opened

'Well well well...Fish and the Mexican got a hooker for themselfs ay' a southern accent said at the entrance of the cell. i turned around and i was met with a skinny guy with...lets say with some greasy and wild ass hair

He stepped closer to me while looking me up and down. he stops as my eyes and licks his lips. 'Beat it t-bag' Michael says stepping next to me and eyeing T-bag down

'this dont concern you boy' T-Bag says while looking at me again. he turned one of his pockets inside out and grabbed it 'What do you say suga? take this pocket and ill protect you and give you to the time of your life'

'no thank you, i'd rather hold Michael and Sucre's pocket' i grin. and t-bag doesnt look happy.

i looked behind me and saw the Michael and Sucre trying to hold in their laugh. and believe me so did i

i looked back at t-bag and he was furious. 'Better watch your back. im coming back for you' T-bag said as he left the cell with his *girlfriend*

'Be carefull Mami, dont wanna be enemies with him' Sucre says smiling and i nodded and turned to Michael again 'Why are you even here Mike? you dont have any violent bone in your body' i slightly cock my head

'i held up a bank' he chuckles and my eyes widen 'And you ended here? a level one maximum security prison' i ask clearly confused

'I wanted to be closer to Linc for know execution' He says while looking at me and sucre, i looked down letting the tears flow down to the ground nodding 'yeah..'

'EVERYONE GET IN YOUR CELLS. GO ON' a guard yelled and all the doors closed within seconds. but then a guard appeared at our cell door 'Burrows, your wanted by the warden' and my cell door opened again

i looked back at Michael and he nodded

i turned back to the guard and i let him cuff my hands together, after that we were walking down the stairs

***warden's office***

'Is she here for Pope?' A secretary asked and the guard who i think is called paterson nodded. Then suddenly a door opened and revealed a quite large man with sort of thin slicked back hair and a gray mustache

'Ashley Burrows? you can come in' The warden called Pope  smiled at me and i smiled back before going in his office.

We were in and i went to sit at his desk, he sat infront of me checking out some files

His eyes widened at something and i was curious 'you and Lincoln have been married for 18 years? how old were you both then' He asks while making eye contact

'Yeah, its been long. I was i think about 18 and Lincoln was about know what they say about young love' i chuckle while thinking about the old days and he nods while smiling

'well what i called you in here for are a few things including PI, showers, the infirmary and... Lincolns execution' He says and looks at me with sadness in his eyes

'Im sorry about him tho' Pope says staring and i smile 'Thanks'

'So about his execution. Would you like to be one of the people on the viewing room? if not i completely understand' he says which mades me nod 'Yeah, no its fine write my name down' i say

he nods and writes something down, which probably is my name.

'About the showers...A female doctor named Dr. Sara Tancredi will bring you all the time, and at the infirmary will also be Sara to there for you, personal products and more' he says while reading stuff 'And lastly for PI, i know it will be hard in yard time because these men who havent had contact with females in a long time will be very difficult to you. Maybe not all of them but most' he takes of his glasses and places it down 'Yeah im down for PI. But may i know who other people where be there?' i ask him and he puts on his glasses again before reading

'Michael, Lincoln, Sucre and Abruzzi' he answers and i nod 'Do you need anything else for me?' he shakes his head and i stand up smiling and leaving the room letting the guard cuff me and bring me to lunch. and phew nothing happened

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