Chapter ~ 8

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It was PI again, some were working on the walls and C-Note was in the hole and Abruzzi was just sitting on the table working on god knows what

'Okay, Lets rotate' Abruzzi says getting our attention 'Sergeant sodomy, you're up next' Abruzzi looks at t-bag 

'Yo' C-note said holding up his hand to t-bag, T-bag just stood there so i slightly pushed him outta the way and grabbed c-note's hand pulling him up 'Thanks' he says sarcastically to t-bag but then smiled at me. I returned the smile

'I don't know about you all, But this room is gettin' a little to dark for me to dig' T-bag says looking at c-note then at the wall. 

'Are you telling me there's a hole in fox river that you don't want to get into?' C-note asks as t-bag turns around, t-bag didn't take that and started walking closer to C-note getting in his face. But then gets stopped by Lincoln grabbing his collar pulling him closer 'Hey! No one gets hurt' Lincoln grits through his teeth. They stared at eachother before t-bag went in the hole and c-note walked over to Abruzzi

'Now, How come Fusili over here ain't grabbing a shovel' C-note walks over

'I'm handling arrangements on the outside' Abruzzi answers 

'Really?' C-note looks at everyone 'So what is that? Transpo? Paper..? What' C-note says 

'Exactly. It makes me management' 'And that makes us just labor, right?' C-note grins 

'Mhm-hmm. Now you're getting it' Abruzzi smiles 'You know' C-note leans forward 'Management better keep a close eye on the conditions up in here. Or the labors liable to go on strike, You feel me?' C-note asks 

'Get back to work'

Suddenly Sucre barged in 'Whoa Whoa, CO coming' with that he closes the door and helps us put the things back in place.

He looked around before stopping to look at Michael 'Scofield, Move it, Its time for your conjugal..Your wife is here' The CO says, I looked at Michael seeing him smirk. I then looked at Lincoln with a shocked face as he does the same

As Michael left i walked over to Lincoln, he smiled as he saw me approaching 

'Hey, Did you know Michael was married?' I ask him 'No..He never told me about it' He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer 'i love you' With that he kisses my forehead and we head back to work


T-bag was working in the hole while singing..God end my life please..

'Swing low~..Sweet chariot~..Coming for me to carry home..' He looks up at C-Note as they both make eye contact 'Swing loww~..You know this one don't ya' He works back at the hole 'Sweet Chariot~..Coming for to carry me home, Come on give me something. I thought you was a musical people' T-bag says as he gets the hint, he looks up at C-Note 

'You know your parents must be so proud of you man' C-note smirks as t-bag tilts his head 'i mean..hitting the trailer park trifecta..Racist..Pedophile..And stupid' C-note stops smirking and turns back around 

T-bag sits up on the ground now 'You know, it vexes me that i'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. Its not like ya'll are incarcerated for stealing Girl Scout Cookies' I looked at Lincoln and boi he looked scary :0

'None of us..Murdered any Girl Scouts in the process' i say coldly as Sucre came in smiling

'Michael's coming back from the boneyard' Sucre smiles and everybody went sprung in action besides Lincoln who was just death staring t-bag.

'Alone..Alone' he says walking away from the door. I walked to the door as he opened it.

He saw me and flinched a little before  giving me a little smile, I went back to  work as Sucre went over to him 

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