By The Skin And The Teeth

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*~~*-Electic Chair-*~~*

"I-Its him." Lincoln muttered as he glanced in the crowd. Standing there was Aldo. Linc and Michael's father. "M-Michael..Michael turn around. A-Ash. Veronica." His eyes glanced over to the others.

"What's he saying?" Veronica whispered over to Michael and Ash as they shook their heads in confusion. "I don't know." Ash mumbled, her hand clutching Michael's.

"Its him."

"What do you think he's saying."

"Michael. Turn around."

Ash let out a small pained gasp as they watched Lincoln's face get covered. Lincoln's chest heaved up and down fast. Ash closed her eyes, and turned her head. When she felt Michael's hand leave hers. She glanced over. 

The curtains were closed?

"What's going on in there."


"I can't tell you how sorry i am, that you've had to go through all of this." Henry spoke softly as Michael's eyes dropped. Ash's gaze still on the table. Her hands clutched together, tears streaming down her face.

Then, there was sound of cuffs dangling. Ash's head snapped up, her lips parting as she stood up and rushes over to Lincoln. "L-Lincoln, o-oh..oh my.." She hugged him tightly, Linc closing his eyes as he let out a sigh.

As Ash brought him over to sit down, Lincoln's head leaned against her chest as Michael spoke up. "What happened in there?" Michael asked as Pope sighed. "Judge Kessler called. Execution's been delayed."

"Delayed, what do you mean delayed." Ash asked as her eyes glanced to Pope's. "Apparently, some new evidence has come to light." Pope announced as Veronica gulped. "What evidence." 

"I don't understand. How long do we have. One day? Two days?" Michael asked as Ash's eyes glanced back to Lincoln's. "That's all the information i have at the moment. I'm sorry. I'll give you a minute." Pope patted Michael's shoulder.

"I'll go and see the Judge and find out." Veronica placed a gentle kiss on his head, and walked off. "You're with Michael and Ash, you'll be okay."

"Did you guys see him." Lincoln's eyes diverted to Michael's. Ash's hands rubbing his back. "Who, Linc?" Ash softly asked as Lincoln glanced at her. "The guy in the viewing room."

"No..?" Ash's eyes glanced to Michael's as they shared a confused glance. "It was Dad." Linc looked back at Michael. Michael's eyes dropping. 

"Your Dad..?" Ash muttered.


Ash's POV.

"It was him. I know it was." Lincoln stared at Michael as his arms were around my waist. As i sat on his knee, Michael shook his head and stared at the table.

"That's not possible, Linc." 

"It is possible. I saw him." Lincoln stared as i sighed. Shaking my head, i spoke up. "Linc, you couldn't have. There were only half a dozen of people in the room. Me, Michael, Veronica, and a couple reporters." My hand lifted his chin to meet his eyes. 

"He wasn't there, babe."

"You don't know that." Linc pulled his head away, and looked back at his brother. "I do." Michael said as he sighed. "I would've recognized him. So does Ash, she's seen him."

"You don't remember what he looks like. I do." Lincoln clenched his jaw. A quiet sigh escaped my lips as i glanced at Michael. "This is a man who took off, what. 30 years ago?" Michael said. "Why would he come back. At the very last moment."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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