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After the defeat of the Kraang Mikey's powers got dangerous, he only found out because Jr. told him. Apparently the flakes on his arms, if spread far enough could've seriously injured or killed Michelangelo, so he's been getting training and was told not to use his portals outside of training. Of course being the teenager he was didn't listen, he'd randomly play around with small portals in his room until one day he opened one not really thinking of a destination when he heard, "Woah! A portal! Wait- I should probably tell Donnie, or Leo-","Dont!" Mikey shouted not exactly the other person to hear him, "Who are you?" The voice asked with nothing but curiosity, no hostility, no fear, the person seemed genuinely curious. "Michelangelo, my name is Michelangelo.","No way! That's my name too! Oop- maybe I shouldn't be so loud, my brothers would flip if they found out I have a portal in my room." The other Mikey said with a sigh, "Let's give each other code names!" Rise suggestions to which 2k agrees with, "How about….. Angelo! That could be what we call you, and for me…hmmm.","Maybe Nunchuck? No that's lame- Oh! Let's call you Michael, so it could be Michael and Angelo!","Totally!" 

RISE- Angelo
2K12- Michael

"Sooo, Michael what's your family like?","Oh y'know Leo and Raph fight all the time, Donnie's obsessed over April, Master Splinter always meditating. Probably the same on your end huh?" Angelo just sat in shock, "I'm soRRY- the first part I understand, Leo and Raph have little arguments from time to time, but Donnie Donatello!? The purple one, obsessing over April O'Neil!? I'm sorry- *gag* that's just- *gag* ugh… My family sees her more of a sister soooo.","Oooh, if you don't like that you'll hate who Leo likes." At this point Angelo was gagging at Leo's taste and Donnie's obsession, and Michael was laughing his ass off while trying, and failing, to keep quiet.  At the end of the conversation they realized they talked all night, guess time passes as you talk. They bid each other goodbye and promise to try and talk again.

The next morning with Micheal, his brother got up before him and were failing to make breakfast like usual. They didn’t think on why their Mikey hadn’t made breakfast yet, but they ended up sending Donnie to go get their little brother. He ended up seeing a tired looking Mikey and orange ish yellow flakes in the air, it was odd considering that he hadn’t remembered any of them having yellow-orange flakes. He tried to reach out and grab it but when he did it was really hot, yanking his hand back he cradled it as he wondered what the hell the thing was, but as he glared at the bizarre floating flake they began to dissipate from the air like a small ting of fog. After they were gone the room became cold, he didn’t even relize that the room was hotter than usual when entered, too enamored by the mysterious flakes. Shrugging the strange event off he woke mikey and the day went on, though it kept nagging at Donnie about how the stuff got there, where it came from, what happened to get it there, his mind was running him ragged.

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