Chapter One

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- Chapter 1

"Everyone sit down please," Mrs.Mcshuninghan said but nobody listened.

"Sit down!" I said as every sound died down and it became a silent classroom. If there was a cricket, you would be able to hear it move. Everyone looked back at me with a surprised faces.

"Thank you, Catheryn and everyone turn to page 7 of the book," Mrs. Mcshuninghan. Everyone did what they were supposed to do while still being surprised. I was mad that they didn't listen. They should listen and respect the teacher.

"You were brave to do that," my friend Brooke said. I nodded. I never have yelled out before, but I was mad that they didn't listen to the teacher. I was reading my book, Two of my classmates came to my seat and one of them said

" Hey you're Catheryn, right? I thought you were very brave to yell today,"

" Thank you I guess? Not to be mean, but what is your name? I'm sorry but no one talks to me except Brooke and well if I didn't I would have to learn other people's names."

"Oh, it's fine, my name is Minho Park and this is Hayami Suzuki," He said with a small laugh.

"Well, my name is Catheryn Morales, nice to officially meet you,"

Well, we wanted to ask if both of you wanted to be friends with us if it's ok?"

"Sure," I said and we looked at each other and nodded. They went to sit down and soon after the bell rang for lunch.

We left for lunch and went in line and Minho and Hayami were behind us.

"Hey, do you want to sit with us and two other of our friends? Brooke, you too if you want?"Minho said with a smile and I couldn't say no.

" Uh sure, I guess," I said and smiled a genuine smile that I haven't had for a while. We got our lunch and followed them to a table where a pair of twins sat. Both boys. We sat down and Hayami then introduced us as Noah and Leo Smith.

"Hi, I'm Catheryn Morales, I think I have seen both of you before,"

"Hi and Yea I have a class orchestra with you and I think my brother has science with you," Noah said with a small laugh.

"Oh yea, your brother is also in orchestra right,"

"Yea," Leo said.

"You play Cello and you, Noah, play Viola, right?"

"Yes,'' Both of them said. We ate lunch and talked. I got all their numbers. After lunch, I had an advisory and then orchestra and sat with Noah. After class, I walked with Noah and went to my last class. After school, we made a group chat and all talked with each other. I learned that Minho and the twins are really popular but really nice. I had to do homework so I told them bye and started doing homework. After two hours, I did a bit of homework, but I was thinking about how many new friends I made in only 3 months.

I never had made friends so quickly. I finished my homework and then saw that they were still online.

"All of you are still online?" a chain of 'yeah' showed up and we continued texting.

While looking at the group chat, I saw that Brooke had sent me a private message saying

"Hey I know that I have been your best friend for a while but I can't anymore. You are the only friend I had and well, I need to make more friends and leave you behind. Meeting Min-ho, Hayami, Noah, and Leo made me realize that I have become into you, but I am not a quiet person like you. Hopefully, you don't take it to heart. Also, you can keep your 'new friends, I don't need them to make other friends." While reading that, I was heartbroken. My best friend left me. When I went to the group chat, she had already left it and I had to explain what happened.

" She wasn't a real best friend, so don't beat yourself over it. At least now, you are not alone." Hayami texted and I felt relieved that I have other people that support me. Soon after I stopped texting and looked at the time. It was 2:35 A.M and I was surprised. I had never stayed up that late. I took my contacts out and went to sleep.

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