Chapter Three

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-Chapter 3

"You don't have to do it today, I will do it, don't worry, go sit down and drink some water," I told the maid who does the laundry.

"I can't let you do that,miss. There are a lot of clothes and your mother would kill me if she knew," the maid said with a look of horror.

"Don't worry, just go sit down," I told her and made her sit down. I started grabbing the clothes and putting them in the washing machine. I finished it all and went to lie because I had back pain. I go up the grand stairs and to my bedroom to lie down. I fell asleep and woke up at 6 PM. I practiced my violin and started texting the twins and soon I fell asleep again.

The next day in the orchestra, we found that we had our final concert in two days. Me and Noah just look at each other with panic. We stayed during lunch to practice and there Leo and Minho joined us. We were practicing when Minho suggested we play Truth or Dare because he was bored. We all said sure because we were also bored. We took a water bottle and started spinning it and it landed on me and Minho. Minho asked " Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said.

"Boring, but whatever. Ok so, simple question: Do you like someone?" Minho asked with a small smirk.

I blushed a bit , glancing  at Noah and said "Yes,"

"Oooooh~," everyone else said. We played around until we got to the last round when it was Minho and Noah.

"Truth or dare, Noah," Minho asked.

"Truth," Noah said.

"Ok then, let's end this like how we started. Do you like somebody?" Minho asked.

I looked at Noah and I noticed his ears turn red as he quietly said yes. We all looked at him, awestruck, not believing what he just said. Not even his brother.

"YOU DO?!" Leo asked, shocked, not knowing what else to say.

"Yea, what's so surprising about it," looking at us like he hadn't said anything big.

"WHO IS IT?!" Everyone asked

"I won't tell, why would I?" Noah said, looking at us like we were crazy.

When he said yes, I swear he looked at me or was I just crazy? There ain't no way that he also likes me, right?...

Author here! 

Hello! I am so happy that you read my story! Please comment on what you think about the story. Love you all!!

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