Chapter Two

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-Chapter 2

I woke up to a crash and jolted up. I ran downstairs and saw that my dogs had thrown pots and pans everywhere. ' Ugh, this is why we never put them inside, especially in the kitchen'. I took the dogs back outside and cleaned up the kitchen. I was going back to sleep when I saw the time. It was already 6:45 A.M 'ugh I can't go back to sleep now' I made myself some breakfast and changed into my school clothes. I was about to text Brooke to pick me up but then I remembered. I ended up being late for school because I had to walk to school. I had math for the first period and Minho was in that class. I sat behind him and then he turned around and said " Hey Good morning, why were you late?" He said with a worried look on his face.

"Oh usually Brooke would pick me up, but then you know what happened, so I had to walk," I said with a sigh. He gave me a sad smile and turned around. I took my binder and started working. Soon after the bell rang for the next class and I groaned.

" What happened?" Minho said while walking with me.

"Nothing but I have Social Studies next class and I have to work with Brooke to finish our project," I said looking at his distressed face.

"Well good luck girl, you are going to need it," He said with a sassy tone in his voice and went to class. I just smiled and walked to class. Brooke was already there when I got there. I just sat next to her and didn't say anything to her. While working on the project, she kept talking with other people and not even helping. I kept telling her to work on the project, but she is ignoring and I just had the last straw and slammed my hand down and yelled

" I know that now you don't like me, but you shouldn't ignore me and not do the project!" She turned around and just rolled her eyes and went back to talking. I rolled and gasped with disbelief. The teacher heard me and came to see what happened.

"All of you start Working and stop talking and Brooke it's not nice to ignore people." The teacher said and then left. Brooke rolled her eyes again and started working. The whole rest of the time she did the project but didn't talk to me. We finish the project and right as the bell rings, I sigh with relief and dash out of the room. I have science next and Brooke has that class but I also have Leo in that class too. I sat by Leo and today we started an experiment, I chose Leo of course, but when I looked around and everyone was shocked. I just grabbed Leo's hand and started doing the experiment.

" The moment I am not with Brooke and with other people, they are staring at me like I am an alien," I said and rolled my eyes.

"It's fine just ignore that," Leo said and we started working. While working, I could hear people whispering about me, but I just ignored it. We finished the project early and just hung out until the bell rang. For the rest of the day, I felt stares and heard people whispering, but I just ignored them. After school, I was texting with only the twins because Minho and Hayami had to do something, and the more I talked to them, the more I noticed that I had taken a certain liking to Noah and the more I thought, I realized I had a small crush on him.

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