Chapter Four

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-Chapter 4

Leo's POV

After Practice, Me, Catheryn, and Noah went to math. As we were about to start our assignment, I pulled Catheryn aside to talk to her. " Who do you think Noah likes?" I say, really wondering who.

"I don't know, I tried asking him who when coming to class but he wouldn't budge," she says, shrugging her shoulders and getting back to work. While she's talking, I look at her and see all her features. Her big doe eyes, cute button nose, and her beautiful smile. I've had a crush on her since I met her, but I'm too nervous to ask her out. I'll do it one day, but not any day soon. My time might be running out though. The way Noah looks at her worries me. What if he likes her too? Will I lose my chance?

"Helloo? Leo, you there?" Catheryn says, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh yea, what's up," I said, flustered.

"What are you thinking about?" She says, looking a bit concerned. I just shrugged it off and she said nothing about it. While working, I look up and see Catheryn and Noah helping each other and giggling with each other and I can't help but get jealous. Without noticing, my hands form into fists and I slam my hands down on the table. I look around and realize what I did. I get up and leave the classroom. I hear Leo calling for me, but I don't turn back. I go to the restroom and try to calm down. "Why am I asking like this? So what if my brother likes the same girl as I do? Why am I getting pissed? I calm myself down and am about to leave when I hear Catheryn calling for me.

"Leo? You there? Are you ok? What happened? I hear her say and I sigh. I come out of the bathroom and hug her. I am so happy to see her. I don't let her go.

"What's wrong?" She says,

"Nothing really, I'm just having a bad day. Don't worry about it" I finally let go and look at her. Her eyes are watering up and I smile.

"Were you that worried?" I hold her face and wipe her tears.

"Yes! I thought something terrible had happened an-,"

"It's ok now. I'm fine now that you're here." I look straight into her eyes and smile. She looks so pretty with those teary eyes.

"I hate you! Why do you make me worry so much!" I laugh at her and hold her hand.

"Love you too," I kiss her cheek and leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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