Finding Sanctuary

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The poor girl was now all alone in the great forest, and she was so afraid that she just looked at all the leaves on the trees and looked behind in case someone went after her. 

The Princess ran over sharp stones and through thorns, and wild animals jumped at her, but they did her no harm.

 Clarisse ran as far as her feet could carry her, and just as she saw about to give up. She saw a little house and went inside in order to get a good rest.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Clarisse asked. But no one replied back.

Inside the house, everything was small but it was so neat and clean that no one could say otherwise. 

There was a little table with a white tablecloth and seven little plates, and each plate had a spoon, and there were seven knives and forks and seven mugs as well. 

Against the wall there were seven little beds, all standing in a row and covered with pure sheets of white.

Because she was so hungry and thirsty, Clarisse ate pasta and a little pastry from each little plate, and from each mug, she drank a drop of juice. 

Feeling very tired, she lay down on a bed, but none of them felt right. One of them was too long and the other beds were too short until finally the seventh one was just right.

"I hope the owner doesn't mind that I sleep here." said Clarisse praying the owner wouldn't be upset and she went to sleep.

Clarisse De CocoaWhere stories live. Discover now