The Interview

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Fluff Emma Myers & Jenna ortega

I bounce my leg up and down wanting to get this over with so I can go home and cuddle my blankets. I look up seeing the crew setting up the cameras and lights for the interview that will go live in a couple of hours .

I opened my phone seeing a repeat of some old news that happened a few years ago . I sighed crossing my arms laying my head back on the couch .

As a few minutes went by I felt a tap on my shoulder . I groaned slowly opened my eyes seeing Jenna with a concern face . " you alright ? You look a little pale " she said getting  closer to me .

" yea I'm fine . I'm just - .... nervous that all " i said lifting my head feeling slightly dizzy.

" but Emma- "  Jenna started but was cut off by one of the camera crew . " where going to start soon in a few minutes! Every one get into position!" He yelled causing my head to hurt .

" We will talk about this later ok?" Jenna said crossing her arms .

" ok " I muttered siting up straight and fixing myself to look decent.

As the interviewer came in I started to bounce my leg again . " you two feeling alright ?"  He said siting down in the opposite chair.

Jenna looked at me before responding " yea where ok right Emma?"  She said looking a me.

I nodded my head feeling a headache start to form . " alright ! First things first, I am sorry if some of these questions are uncomfortable or to personal for your liking . I didn't get a say in this " he said sweeping his hair back .

" it's alright really " I said with a smile .

" Where going to start in three ! Two! One! " The director said making a thumbs up signaling where live .

" Here we have two special guests today! please introduce yourself!" He said gesturing towards us .

" Hi I'm Jenna Ortega " she said with a smile .

" And I'm Emma Myers " I said with a wave .

" how was being in wensday like ?" He asked looking at the papers he brought .

" Well it was certainly a wonderful thing to experience with the cast " Jenna said looking at me .

" it also gave us the opportunity to meet new people as well " I said back .

As the interviewer began asking various questions my headache started to worsen by the minute.

When we got to the last question I was surprised it was intended for me .

" and Emma i got a final question for you. Fans have been asking if for whatever reason you were to get a lover who would it be ?" He said puting the papers he had in hand on the tiny table infront of us .

" Well I- um .... I don't know to be honest . I don't think I ready to be in one yet " I said bouncing my leg again .

Jenna noticed and took ahold of my hand squeezing it a little in reassurance.

" Well we will end this interview here thank you for watching " he said to the camera.

The director gave the signal that where off .

" Thank you ladies for showing up ! You may go now " he said immediately taking his leave .

I got up and started to speed walk out to the elevator.

" Emma ?" Jenna said trying to catch up .

" Emma what's wrong ?" She said holding my hand towards her .

" Nothing " I said wanting to get out of here quickly.

" Come on you can talk to me " she said taking notice if my wobbly legs .

" I'm- I'm fine really "I said leaning to her for support.

" your not fine let me take you to my apartment " she said leading me out the building to her car . She opened the passenger door gently siting me down . She got in the car laying my head on the head rest .

As she started driving she asked " Emma if you weren't feeling well why didn't you tell me ?"  She said focusing on the road .

" I just thought it wouldn't be that bad " I said looking at her .

As a few minutes went by she park the vehicle near the building and helped me out of the car .

" Come on " she said leading me into her room laying me down . " I'll give you a glass of water " she said closing the door .

I sighed looking around seeing the room filled with color. I got up slowly and took off my heels feeling the sorness on my legs . I groaned feeling the head ache worsen .

I heard the door open seeing Jenna with a glass of water and a pill . " what's the pill for ?" I asked .

" it's for you " she said puting the pill in my mouth and guide the water to my lips . "drink" she said holding my chin .

As I did as she said she went out to grab a wip .she put the glass down on the night stand and started to remove my makeup . " now lay down so you can rest " she said pushing me down .

" But- " I was cut off " no buts you need to rest sweetie " she said pushing me down .

Just as she was about to leave I asked " can you cuddle with me " I said making grabbing hands towards her.

" Fine only because that will help you rest " she said with a smile on her face . " yea yea now please come here " i said pulling the covers up .

She layed down next to me wrapping her arms around me . "Thank you Jen " I said pulling her closer .

She giggled in return rubbing my back in a soothing motion.

I hummed feeling the slept take over me .


A/n I'm very sorry if it was rushed or has so many Grammer mistakes.  I wrote half of this when I was in the road .

Word count : 973

Published : December 14 , 2022

Finished Editing: ?

Request by : Sevimlipattes

Emma Myers & Jenna Ortega One-Shots Where stories live. Discover now